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New sales ploy/con? Gadget to save 50% power


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To be absolutely fair to Monster, they don't claim on their site that the device saves money off your electricity by filtering mains noise - that's the sales guy being clueless about his subject. It's still a fairly expensive and typically Monster way of doing things, and they probably inflate their prices to pay for the marketing hype they have to come up with to sell their stuff, but it says more about Comet staff than anything else. Same way I wouldn't buy a PC from PC World - "This monitor will let you play the latest games!" always makes me laugh.
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Comet aftersales is also terrible.


I had a faulty TV bought from them that refused to change channel or go into standby after being on for a while, and they initially refused to accept that as being a fault. It was 6 months old.

Once I finally got them to admit that having to unplug the set in order to change channel was a fault, they took the unit in for repair... and it vanished into a black hole.


I phoned them every few days for five weeks before they eventually said they couldn't fix it and offered me 'store credit'. (Not a refund, not an equivalent replacement)

They took almost three hours to process it, and point-blank refused to give me a full refund.


TBH I'm still annoyed at myself for not pushing the issue further, but I was exhausted by then.


While I was there, the sales staff in Comet also insisted that the Samsung LED TV used LED pixels. Sorry, but that is *wrong*. That range has an LED backlight, and uses standard LCD technology for the image.


I will *NEVER* buy anything from Comet ever again, and I'd advise nobody else to do so either.

Unless you're able to bring a tame lawyer with you.

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My father has started to join the 21st century, (Kicking and screaming) and as such has recently bought a LCD TV, and just the other week, a DVD/HDD/VHS Recorder - A nice bit of kit to be honest.


The first thing I know about these purchases is where I get a phone call asking me to connect it all up for him.


With the TV the sales assistant also managed to sell him 2 very expensive gold plated flat Scart cables. as well as an indoor digital aerial that he did not need.


Again with the DVD recorder, he was also persuaded to buy another expensive Scart cable, as well as a very expensive HDMI cable.


Yes, it was from the same store being discussed here, and although in theory, I have never had a problem buying from them in the past they do seem to latch on to the more vulnerable customers to sell them as many accessories as possible.


Years ago, "Vulnerable customers" meant the elderly or the infirm. As technology and buzz words gather pace, more and more people are falling into this category.......


The trouble is many of these people have their pride, and so are not likely to go back to the store, and admit that he was suckered.... And they know it!!!!


Caveat Emptor???????



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I would be sorely tempted to go to this store and (politely but firmly) demand that the superfluous items be accepted back for a full refund (NOT vouchers/credit note etc). I dare say strictly speaking your father would need to be the one to go back as the actual purchaser, but if he's unwilling/unhappy about doing so in person, it would not hurt to have a go on his behalf, maybe with a signed statement from him advsing that you are acting for him...


In these circumstances, I'd also ask immediately for a store supervisor, then manager if no joy at stage 1. Continue up their management tree until satisfaction is achieved, and if you hit a brick wall, you can advise them that you will be speaking to trading standards etc regarding mis-selling of goods.

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I would be sorely tempted to go to this store and (politely but firmly) demand that the superfluous items be accepted back for a full refund (NOT vouchers/credit note etc). (Snip)


Thanks Tony, I did discuss this with him, but he seems hell bent on not causing a problem. And he can be very stubborn... (Not that I have inherited that, oh no........)


Having said that, I have been tempted to write to to them anyway. expressing my feelings on them taking advantage of less technically minded customers - After all Paul (OP) was lucky in that he knew what he was talking about!!!!!!!



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This is beginning to turn into a bit of a "how has Comet screwed you over?" type thread!


I spent a Christmas season working for them, and was delighted when my contract ended and did not get renewed! We were being asked to push certain products on customers all the time.


Also, they might say "our staff arent on commision" to give you the impression that they are giving impartial advice, but there is almost always some kind of reward scheme going on. While I was there, Monster were offering all sort of things to employees if certain targets were met, so we pushed the Monster stuff to meet the target. It might seem like I'm picking on Monster here, but its just the one that stick in my memory.


Also remember the training room that had computers to let you look up and learn about the latest technology, but they were never used as you were expected to come in on your own time (days off, before starting shifts, after shifts etc) so nobody bothered!

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I contacted Comet and explained that the claims they were making and the way they were made were rather sharp, and probably accidentally poorly promoted. The response was:

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.



Response (Matthew Waller) 28/09/2009

Dear Mr Johnson


Thank you for your recent e-mail.


I was sorry to learn of the problems you have experienced whilst visiting our Lowestoft store.


It is most disappointing to receive e-mails such as yours. We take complaints such as yours very seriously and we do appreciate the time you have taken to let us know about what happened. I have passed a copy of your e-mail to the relevant brown goods Manager so we can learn from your experience and ensure that this does not happen to other customers.


I realise that this has all been very inconvenient and frustrating for you and I am really sorry.


Should you require further information, please contact me using the Ask a Question facility on the website http://comet.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/comet.cf...enduser/ask.php






Matthew Waller

Comet Customer Services


Cut and pasted stock answer because it didn't answer any of my actual questions at all.

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Comet aftersales is also terrible.


I had a faulty TV bought from them that refused to change channel or go into standby after being on for a while, and they initially refused to accept that as being a fault. It was 6 months old.




I will *NEVER* buy anything from Comet ever again, and I'd advise nobody else to do so either.

Unless you're able to bring a tame lawyer with you.


My current (ongoing) Comet dispute centres around a faulty digicam a friend bought and the wonderful choice of phrases by the "Store Manager" including; "The Sale of Goods Act doesn't apply" and "Even if it did, your problem is with the manufacturer not Comet - we just sell you a box - it's not our responsibility after that" :huh:

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"The Sale of Goods Act doesn't apply" and "Even if it did, your problem is with the manufacturer not Comet - we just sell you a box - it's not our responsibility after that" :huh:

This is in fact a total fallacy.

Always a good site to check up on in these matters is Moneysavingexpert.com - Martin lewis gets around a lot these days, but on the whole usually offers some pretty good advice.

One of the first lines on this page is

Your agreement is with the retailer, not with the manufacturer.Complain to them. If the goods were faulty when you bought them, then the retailer must sort it out for you. If it tries to fob you off telling you to go to the manufacturer, it's wrong. Plus you have your Sad Fart rights....



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"The Sale of Goods Act doesn't apply" and "Even if it did, your problem is with the manufacturer not Comet - we just sell you a box - it's not our responsibility after that" :huh:

This is in fact a total fallacy.

Always a good site to check up on in these matters is Moneysavingexpert.com - Martin lewis gets around a lot these days, but on the whole usually offers some pretty good advice.

One of the first lines on this page is

Your agreement is with the retailer, not with the manufacturer.Complain to them. If the goods were faulty when you bought them, then the retailer must sort it out for you. If it tries to fob you off telling you to go to the manufacturer, it's wrong. Plus you have your Sad Fart rights....




Yep, I know the legislation inside out - and have dragged another high street name through Small Claims court (and won) in the past ... hence why friend who bought said device has left it with me to argue with Comet <_<


But I love the "Sad Fart" acronym - brilliant ; )


This has got ridiculously O/T ... sorry all :** laughs out loud **:

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I contacted Comet and explained that the claims they were making and the way they were made were rather sharp, and probably accidentally poorly promoted. The response was:

I have passed a copy of your e-mail to the relevant brown goods Manager


Cut and pasted stock answer because it didn't answer any of my actual questions at all.



Does brown goods = bull faeces?

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So why not just use Comet for a demo, then go home and buy online? :huh:
I must admit I've been rather amused by the Dixons adverts running along these lines on the Tube and probably elsewhere. Admittedly I've not looked at prices for much consumer electronics gear recently, but I'd be very surprised if their online prices matched or got close to some of the other places I shop online.
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