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Any Advice? Sound Rig gets Bigger and Bigger.


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It would depend which turbo subs. Reflex subs are just going to need crossover settings. The short horn styles, TSE118/218 TSW718/218/721 TFS780L TFL760L (spot the similar subs) THL828 etc etc are going to require additional processing for delay, though really it's the top boxes that require the delay. 1 amp channel per box for the 4ohm subs. They're going to outdo the peavey boxes, but don't expect a single 18 to knock the socks of 2 18's and 2 15's :rolleyes:


The peavey boxes are sadly worth very little considering their retail price, though they are sought after by people "who use that type of thing".


I have been offered 2 pairs of TSW 218s for 2400 is that worth it anything I should look out for.

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im not a fan of the peavey stuff, a friend of mine lost a driver at a small gig he did a while ago and asked me if I could replace it for him, after I took the driver out I couldnt belive how poor and flimsy it was and how cheep and nasty the hf driver was, to this day I wouldnt recommend peavey to anyone, yeah they may have diffrent ranges of speakers but any company who can put their name on that tat doesnt deserve the respect their name once had.
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well ill defend the Peavey stuff there, they do cheap ranges and they do "better" ranges


the Cheap nasty stuff is their "Pro" Range which are the same as every other chinese box with piezo horns and easy to blow drivers


the Hisys which is now the UL range is a different league, good construction and deliver what they promise. They still dont match up to the Quality makes, but for £700 a pair they are pretty good

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