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Who is responsible for video in theater?


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I used to tour with a dance company on and off for a year. One of the reps had 2 pieces which used a projector which we used to tour. As there was only 2 members of the production team (the Production Manager who used to re-light and run LX, and myself as Touring Technician who used to help rig and focus, with the odd bit of sound and some SM duties) it was kind of split. The PM would place the projector on the LX plan, and one of us would rig it, depending on what else was happening. When it came to operating for the show, it was split about 50/50 between running it from prompt corner, and running it from wherever the LX desk was (mainly depended on which was an easier video feed, I think I ran it from side stage slightly more than not.)


The actual playback device was a DV walkman (like a portable DVD player with a built in screen) with a DV cassette for each piece (and several backups!) so it was a case of cueing pre show and just pressing play at the start of each piece.


Basic system, but it worked well enough for what we needed - no triggering from DMX or any show control systems required! I did have to sneak onto stage to power down the projector before starting the next piece though as the remote lead didn't want to play ball!

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