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The one thing that really bugs me is...

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I'm ssssssssssssssssssssurprisssssssed no-one hassssss menttttttttttioned the (hisssssssssssssssssss) DI20 yet...


Apart from that though, IIRC the one thing about the old soundcraft 328 that really annoyed me is that you had a next button to go through the presets, but not a back button... that was annoying if you *just* missed the one you wanted.

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Amplifiers that are just a bit more than 2u. You buy cases specifically to put in for example 4 amps, and they don't fit because they're slightly more than 2u. Which means that real rack strip and cage nuts is out of the question, even in a rack larger than necessary. Even when they say 2u on the product description. Yes Chris, you know the ones I mean!
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Strand SL's


Having to replace cracked reflectors every 12 months.


In a similar vein, replacing reflectors in Source 4 Juniors. Open it up the wrong way and PING goes the shutter assembly!

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I think the intention was for it to be more "kit" based, rather than conceptual, like pet hates.

Indeed, as mentioned in very large letters in post #1. Like this:




For each post you may only mention one piece of equipment and the ONE most annoying feature of it (to you).


(Bold added this time. Maybe I should have addded it first time!)


I should add, by the way, that I have had a PM from Tomo (at ETC) to let me know that the gripe I had with the Congo really has now been fixed in v6 which we haven't yet installed. I withdraw my moan! ;)

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Microphone thread adaptors .. can never change them without a leatherman in fact why can't the thread itself be just one standard???




A concurrent post has been automatically merged from this point on.


#2 Microphone clips getting a sennhesier comfortably in a shure clip and vice versa


(tried to make this a seperate point/post as per the rules but it wouldn't let me so #3 computers :)

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With regard to S4 zooms which are ridiculously front heavy. Unless you really need the extra punch from the 750, S4 juniors are great, much better balance.


My personal gripe is Blondes, which I use to light orchestras when they are rehearsing. They are great but they do have a habit of committing suicide.

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My personal gripe is Blondes, which I use to light orchestras when they are rehearsing. They are great but they do have a habit of committing suicide.

Well, you should know better than to leave a blonde anywhere near sharp objects, loaded weapons or prescription only drugs......



You didn't mean that sort of blonde...?

:P :)

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Shure Mic clips in general.



What is the point. Make the mics and leave the rest of it to people who can make clips. I'm sorry but you just can't do it. I'm sick of messing about having to slide the mics in and having to do it so the spring clip on the XLRf is at the top so as not to push it in when putting the mic in the clip for it to fall out mid show.


A K&M clip is less than £2. They work. They actually allow you to put any standard mic in them. So, Mr Shure, let's just forget you ever tried to make a clip for your otherwise impressive mic ranges* and lets stop putting one in the box. You can even leave the price as it is for all I care.




*one use I have found for them. When you need to put a 58 under a van tyre to stop it rolling (very useful for this) you can put it on a clip so as not to roll the mic when the tyre first hits it.

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The fact that a Mackie 1801 Sub has a 125Hz Crossover, yet the Mackie CFX20 mixer has a sub out at 75Hz.


Sorry JSB, that was two products although the same manufacturer. :blink:


Curious to know what Messers Mackie have done with the missing 50Hz. Possibly shoved it where the sun don't shine :P


It sort of makes some of their gear, useless with, err some of their gear ;)


Well not really, but you have to work around it......probably why they included full range in / out.........




Shure mic clips are your ONLY gripe......................C1000 by ay chance :D

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when people dont wear hard hats when theres some one rigging in the grid, and they been asked serval times to put one on (usually soundies cos they think they're invincible) Ive taken to throwing any spare rolls of LX tape I have in my pockets, If there unlucky its a new roll...
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Fuse holders on the Betapack 2s.


The screw action of removing a fuse has the wonderful result of 80% of the time, twisting off the top of the fuse leaving the other half still in there. Im getting pretty handy with a tiny screwdriver getting ends out but after a while it ruins the fuse holder and you lose a whole channel until you fit a new one! Particularly annoying if it happens mid show as you cant just turn the channel back on like the trips and to change the fuse you need to turn off the dimmer. Thankfully this has only ever happened during a rehersal.

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