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The one thing that really bugs me is...

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singers who sway around the mic. KEEP YOUR FRIKEN HEAD STILL!



Why should the singer KEEP THEIR FRIKEN HEAD STILL just because you are incompetant at your job.


Maybe the one thing that really bugs me is the person who said " keep your friken head still"


This person should really not be doing what he's doing.....but he is :angry:





look I know what your getting at, but she was not used to microphones and she moved from about 2cm to 30cm randomly through her song.

by singers I meant one very bad one.

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The horrendously slowwwwwwwwwwwww addressing of Pixelline 1044 in Max 2, thanks to the board I'm now aware that moving to a different mode and back is a workaround, but how did that not get spotted in QA or R&D before they were released? I do however appreciate with a fixture its not such an easy thing to fix after its been released.
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Cables that test out fine on a cable tester but then fail to work in use.


Happened last week on the backstage relay mic, swapped out the cable and it worked. Tested duff one and it metered out fine, swapped back for sanity check and didn't work again.





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Moderation: A friendly warning people - remember the bit in the T&Cs about treating other members with respect? Be nice!


Apologies, for being a bit naughty, it was the the 'keep your freekin head still' that got me bugged, and that wasn't equipment related.


Equipment hate at this moment is the Strand SL - Enough said! Reflector / lamp issues :wall:

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Gel frames on pretty much every lantern.


Why can't they just be a flap, attached to the body of the lantern by a hinge with a clip at the top? That way people couldn't take them out and then lose them, they could fall out or be dropped and changing gels wouldn't need three hands.


I know it's supposed to be one thing but while I'm at it why can't barndoors be simple flaps permanently attached to the front edges of the lantern. It solves the same issues as mentioned above for gel frames. If you don't want to use them just fold them right back against the side of the lantern, when you do want them they're there ready to be folded out.

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