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Stage curtain has come off its reel


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We have a large stage curtain which goes across the front of the stage.


The wires have come off its pulley wheel and I cannot seem to get the wires back on the reel without the wire being too slack and the curtain not being able to close fully.



Have tried a few times now.


Are there any suffolk/essex based companies or people who would be able to assist.



The wires may even need replacing as they are getting rather frayed.





Any sugestions or assisstance would be much appreciated.

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At our school we had a wire on a drum system. It came off a few times. I got fed up and had it replaced with a rope system which has given no trouble. I think the wire drum didn't do with the over-enthusiasm of some of our staff and students. Doesn't answer your question but just my experience.
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  • 2 weeks later...
At our school we had a wire on a drum system. It came off a few times. I got fed up and had it replaced with a rope system which has given no trouble. I think the wire drum didn't do with the over-enthusiasm of some of our staff and students. Doesn't answer your question but just my experience.


I spoke to Stage Electrics. They suggested a rope system to replace our 'wire on a drum' system.

The trouble is they said they charge £200 just to come and look at our set up!

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Its a bit of an art putting it all back together, but is much easier if you can lock the tensioning springs tight somehow, and lift the winding drum if possible (if floor mounted there is often a bit of length on the bolts that hold the drum axle).
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I spoke to Stage Electrics. They suggested a rope system to replace our 'wire on a drum' system.

The trouble is they said they charge £200 just to come and look at our set up!

Get someone else to come. In these tough times, if they want the job they should do the site visit for costs or less.

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