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AVD Multiplay


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On more of a user question front, I've currently got some fairly short cues, then a quick fade control cue after them, slightly complicating matters, the control cue then starts the next short cue (it's bongs for a newsreader type scene and they read headlines between the bongs). If they take too long reading the headline, or I cue too slowly, the effect has finished, so the fade seems to get confused and I have to down arrow and go to run the next bong. Is there a way round this. I'm thinking that adding some silence to the end of the bong will mean there is still something to fade, but that means the next bong is still delayed by the fade time, even though there is nothing audible happening. Can I solve this already/would it be a beneficial feature to add something?


Try removing the control cue and assign fade to a key. When you press the fade key the fade begins and immediately advances to the next cue. It does mean pressing the go key as the advance will not "start play" but enables you to get the right timing.


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So the cue would start sending MTC with a specified starting time and continue sending it until the specified stop time?


I've only had a quick look, but presume the timing is fairly critical. Not sure how easy this would be to implement.

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Have you considered/is there a way to sync multiple Multiplays over a network, so I could say have one running videos and one playing SFX.

I have now implemented Telnet cues (with a telnet patch list), as well as a telnet server to enable triggering of the main functions.


I am also going to release a small (telnet client) application that you can use to connect to MultiPlay over a network. It will have GO, Stop All, etc and may be useful for remotely starting the show from another PC.

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Version is out and contains various fixes & features as requested.



A couple of small problems noted with version When first loaded and the cue list "on top" then the first cue will not start from the space bar, only the go button. Problematic if the mouse is disabled. When started from the go button then escape does not stop the cue.


Cues started from the space bar loose the cue highlight.


The new Icon is most apt.


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Version is out and contains various fixes & features as requested.



A couple of small problems noted with version When first loaded and the cue list "on top" then the first cue will not start from the space bar, only the go button. Problematic if the mouse is disabled. When started from the go button then escape does not stop the cue.


Cues started from the space bar loose the cue highlight.


The new Icon is most apt.



Maybe related, I noticed if I select or just point/click on a different/sub window (to move or resize) the trigger keys become inactive.

I need to click on the main window any ware to enable the trigger keys again.


Also there seems to be a small delay between clicking Play and the actual start of playback.

I didn't notice this on earlier versions. It was true 'instant start'


Great program, I really like it.

Keep up the good work.



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A couple of small problems noted with version When first loaded and the cue list "on top" then the first cue will not start from the space bar, only the go button. Problematic if the mouse is disabled.

Yes, once any window is clicked the keys all work. Working on a fix for it now.


When started from the go button then escape does not stop the cue.

I can't reproduce that situation here. When you say "When started from the go button", do you mean the window GO button?


Cues started from the space bar loose the cue highlight.

There's an oddity of the cue list grid that is causing the highlighting to toggle when the space bar is used as the GO. Has me stumped for the minute!


The new Icon is most apt.

Thank you.


Maybe related, I noticed if I select or just point/click on a different/sub window (to move or resize) the trigger keys become inactive.

I need to click on the main window anywhere to enable the trigger keys again.

I'm not seeing this here. Are you saying the keys stop working if you click any window other than the main one within MultiPlay?


Also there seems to be a small delay between clicking Play and the actual start of playback.

I didn't notice this on earlier versions. It was true 'instant start'

I'll check into this.

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When started from the go button then escape does not stop the cue.

I can't reproduce that situation here. When you say "When started from the go button", do you mean the window GO button?


Yes either the Go window or the toolbar Go. This only happens on the first cue when it could not be started using the space bar.




Also there seems to be a small delay between clicking Play and the actual start of playback.

I didn't notice this on earlier versions. It was true 'instant start'

I've not found this, it still seems to be an instant start



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