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AVD Multiplay


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I've been pondering the uses of Telnet (control over a network) lately. MultiPlay can be controlled by Telnet and can control other software via Telnet.


So, what other software would be handy that could use Telnet?


I'm already part way through coding a small application with a few buttons to control MultiPlay.


Is there any other applications that would be worthwhile looking into?

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I think for me, the telnet option would work well as follows;


Imagine a small scale dance/kids show. Show is being performed to backing tracks. Indeed it could be a bigger show being performed to backing tracks as well.

I as the noiseboy have set the system up, but haven't really rehearsed with the kids and don't know the show anything like as well as the MD. Currently, I'd be handed a script and a cd and be told "play that".

What would work better would be the MD still being in a very small "pit" with a remote control of at least part of my multiplay pc back at the desk. I still have control of things like sound effects but he/she can see the next track that is in their cue list and play/pause/skip forward or back.


Another application might be a cofigurable, far simpler screen that can have one or two buttons that play specific sound effects. Uses for this; I'm thinking outside of the box here, but a panel type quiz/game show/public exhibition could allow a user to have access to specific sound effects (audience groans, canned laughter, whatever). Also think of a school (perhaps primary) wanting their students to get involved in the technical stuff without being able to break anything. We give them a screen that is locked out with a set number of buttons and sound effects behind each one.

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All good ideas. I was also thinking of writing a new application call Telnet Buttons. It would be pretty much the same as Serial Buttons and MIDI Buttons, but send Telnet strings instead. Sound interesting?
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That does indeed sound good! Especially if you could select more than just sound effects to put behind buttons - you could also assign functions, like play, fade out, fade in. You could also assign icons (play arrow, stop icon). Then you only have to build on piece of software and people can customise their own remote for their purposes.

Would it be a two way link? For example would the remote be able to see current and next track details along with track timers?

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My "Telnet Buttons" app would be one way only, as it would not be MultiPlay specific.


I think there's room for a more specialised control app for MultiPlay as well though.


Track timers over a Telnet link would most likely not be possible. Basic status would be possible.


I'll probably do the Telnet Buttons app first as it's more universal.


MultiPlay only supports incoming Telnet commands GO, Stop All, Fade All, Pause All, Resume All, Stop (Selected), Pause (Selected), Resume (Selected) right now. I'll be adding GO [x] soon as well as a way to set the current GO position. (ready for the next GO)

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What you could do is make an option where every control action taken on MultiPlay generates a text message via telnet, which can be a straight TCP connection, you dont have to actually use the protocol setup messages. Another MultiPlay could receive these text message. Then you have an instant high availability setup with two PCs.
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I've being trying to break Ver without much luck so far! I shall be using it live for the next two weeks.

I think the only outstanding anomaly is the loss of the highlighed cue when it is running. Well done.


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I've being trying to break Ver without much luck so far! I shall be using it live for the next two weeks.

It's fairly stable I think. A lot of stuff got broken due to the underlying code changes I've been doing. I have that resolves a couple of minor issues.


I think the only outstanding anomaly is the loss of the highlighed cue when it is running. Well done.

Yeah, that's buggin' the hell out of me at present. I'll be happy when I've killed that pesky bug! <_<


The Telnet receive (controlling MultiPlay) side of things has turned out to have a few problems (ok.. lots), so I'd avoid it for now. The Telnet Cue seems to be stable though.

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Last week was my first ‘live’ MP experience.


It was great.


I provide S&L for this small theater production that performs in schools. Until now,

the different recorded tracks were played from a double CD player, operated by the director of the play.


I finally decided it was time to switch to MP. I loaded all the tracks to the ‘sound’ laptop

(normally used pre show for DSP setup and calibration and so) and arranged the show que list.

I had also set up an external switch pad: X-Keys Desktop for direct and intuitive control.


I was afraid the director would reject the ‘new’ system and may want to stick to the ‘trusted’ CDs,

but to my surprise the switch to MP went without any problem and was a great success.

The director managed the que list perfectly and loved the ease of control, the clear view of the que list

with the relevant details and text notes, the direct access/triggering of sound effects and more.


I am now going to use MP by default.


Thanks David (also on behalf of the director…)


N. Webber :)


P.S. Now, If MP could only output MTC, I wouldn't have to resolve to other awkward solutions for syncing sound tracks with lighting...

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Another satisfied customer! Glad to hear it helped your production. :)


I've just uploaded version to resolve a few minor problems.


MTC is on the agenda, but will have to wait a little while.

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I have used MP in two different productions this last week.

While loving it, I have found a few possible bugs.


I had the clock time, remain track time and elapsed track time windows open and some time after starting the program

these windows disappear and can not be re displayed (even though they are marked in the View menu).

The windows re appear only after re starting MP.


Also, in one of the productions (heaving some 40 music ques...) sometimes, at random and for no apparent reason,

instead of advancing to the next que/line (as programmed), the program/pointer would jump some 4 to 6 que lines at once .

If it helps, whenever this happened, it was always in the third quarter of the que list (around lines 30 to 35).





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I had the clock time, remain track time and elapsed track time windows open and some time after starting the program

these windows disappear and can not be re displayed (even though they are marked in the View menu).

The windows re appear only after re starting MP.

That is an odd one. Can't say I've seen it or have any idea on what may have caused it. Were you moving the windows at the time they disappeared?


Also, in one of the productions (heaving some 40 music ques...) sometimes, at random and for no apparent reason,

instead of advancing to the next que/line (as programmed), the program/pointer would jump some 4 to 6 que lines at once .

If it helps, whenever this happened, it was always in the third quarter of the que list (around lines 30 to 35).

I've have one other user say they thought the selected cue position jumped a few times. They suspected the mouse scroll wheel and were going to change the mouse out. I've not heard anything about it since.


If anyone can reproduce either of these reported bugs, please let me know the exact details and I'll do some digging.

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Not sure if this was a bug or not;

I was laying out the sound track for We Will Rock You. One scene requires several laser blasts in quick succession (When Khashoggi breaks ito the heartbreak hotel). The way I wanted to do this was to have a laser shot for each press of the "go" button. I imported 2 different laser sound effects (for variety) and then copied and pasted these several times after each other. I wound the "go" repeat time down to almost (but not quite) zero.

When playing through these cue's, where 2 or 3 pastes of the same cue were next to each other, they would all play at the same time. This was not a function of the go repeat rate being too low (perhaps triggering a few times in a row cause of a bouncing key) as it didn't happen with other cue's. Seems like multiplay thought they were all the same cue. If I import the same cue several times, rather than copying and pasting, this doesn't happen.


Interesting one for you.


Also, for some reason I opened multiplay up and the cue list was suddenly in very large font and the colours weren't what I'd left them (and saved them) as. When I went back to change them, I only had to change one value (font size I think) and the whole screen reverted back to normal, colours and all! Like I say, only happened once!

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... Seems like multiplay thought they were all the same cue. If I import the same cue several times, rather than copying and pasting, this doesn't happen.

The copied cues being linked was a bug, but I'm pretty sure that got squashed a few versions ago. What version are you using?


Also, for some reason I opened multiplay up and the cue list was suddenly in very large font and the colours weren't what I'd left them (and saved them) as. When I went back to change them, I only had to change one value (font size I think) and the whole screen reverted back to normal, colours and all! Like I say, only happened once!

Sounds like there was an error opening the production file that stopped it updating the appearance settings. Might be hard to pin down if not easily reproducible.

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