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What Mic for Bright Female Vocals?


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Moderation: As with all queries like this, the thread is degenerating into a series of model numbers.


To be useful, you also need to post WHY you think a particular mic is more suitable than others. Is it the sound? If so, what is different in the sound to what the OP is using. If not just the sound, what other aspects do you like? Pick up pattern? Feed back rejection? A pretty colour in the paint job?


Seriously, please take an extra minute or two to explain WHY you're recommending a particular mic.



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beta 57a


Are you sure?! I've found them useful for the exact opposite.


Thanks for all the comments so far. I have been quite interested in trying some of the Audix Vocal mics - I've currently got the Audix i5 on snare and it's great. I also prefer it's design to the slightly clumsy capsule of the SM57.

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