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Currently the additional apps which work with MagicQ are Windows only, such as the media centre apps and multiwindows.


If you want to run the latest beta code of MagicQ on your system, then I'd recommend using Windows as we release the windows beta versions more often than Mac or Linux.


themadhippy: It's also not called Matrix Viewer anymore. It's now the MagicQ Media Centre as it handles other things such as live video feed inputs, serial control of devices as well as performing encoding of movies for use with the Pixel Mapper.

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For the touch screens it could maybe be cost efficient to look for overlay? I built one into my net-book and it works perfectly. this one is a bit overpriced I think but you get the picture of it, worth a search. I picked mine like this up for 70€ one year ago. Add some cheap monitors and your there.



I have heard a few reports that the overlays are easy to break, how have you found yours?

The one I got has worked perfectly in my netbook for over a year now. That is with daily use around 2-3h on and no protective casing, I just chuck it into my bag. Only damage to is some scratches to it where the scrollbar is from using a pen while browsing, but that must be normal. 



Also note that this is product you build into your screen its not something that you chuck around it like some other I have seen.

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I'd love to ditch the EeeTop

May I ask why? is it a reliabilaty problem or something else as I find mine very stable,and ideal for this particular application. For the record I use a 4u rack case.pc wing,eee top and all the odds and sods fit in rather nicely

I only want to change the EeeTop because of the weight and size of the unit. My maxi wing system is used for shows I have to fly out to do. Because of this I'd really like to swap for a reasonably spec'd tablet / touchscreen PC.


I 'm aiming to fit my artnet converter, maxi wing and tablet PC in one Peli case that is as small and light as possible.

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You might want to think about building a DMX splitter into the box so that any problems don't fry your desk, your PC, your livelihood etc etc etc...


I will need to sort that kind of thing out too, currently I have three DMX outputs (one from an Enttec Pro and two from the PC Wing). I will probably get one of the Chamsys artnet to DMX units which will most likely stay external and be run on cat5.


My current challenge is finding the touch screens; I don't suppose anyone has a couple of 15" open frame screens they are desperate to give away? They would be ideal, but at roughly £400 each are too much for my shoestring budget.


Currently I am trawling the auctions to see what comes up but it may well end up being a couple of normal 15" screens with the add-on touch surfaces. :g:

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My current challenge is finding the touch screens; I don't suppose anyone has a couple of 15" open frame screens they are desperate to give away? They would be ideal, but at roughly £400 each are too much for my shoestring budget.


Try getting in touch with ProTouch Manufacturing, linked further up the topic. When I got my touch screen off them they had some ex-demo/b stock open frames they were getting rid of so may be able to help. Also could be worth keeping an eye on the car pc forums, mp3car, etc to see if anything pops up on there.



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Thanks Matt, I've contacted ProTouch and am now waiting to see what B-grade stock they have; fingers crossed.


I also have found another source for a pair of 15" screens which are at a very attractive price, but these older monitors come in a much larger casing than new ones which may not suit the one-box solution I'm aiming for. But if the price is right I guess I could live with two boxes.

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There are some slick enclosure ideas here.


I use a Panasonic T Series Toughbook (T5) and an external touchscreen. For bigger shows, I bring out a tower PC and use dual 15" touchscreens connected to the toughbook for a total of 4 touchscreens.


Or I use my Avolites.

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Partly answering my own topic, here are a few other custom MagicQ rigs I've found, sadly none a patch on the one that Big Jay pointed out. Hopefully my own effort wont look like it's constructed mostly from gaffer tape...




Actually, I do like the folding screen idea; it would certainly help reduce the flight case size; I just hope I can manage a professional looking finish.




Anyone got any more pics to share?


A concurrent post has been automatically merged from this point on.


here's another one, this beast appears to have everything but the kitchen sink; anyone recognise the wings or the software?



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Jesus that is a monster!!!!!


I doubt you can see over it to actually run the show! :o



Moderation: Unnecessary quote of entire previous post--including all the photos--removed. The BR style is to only use the quote function when it's needed for clarity--and, even then, to trim the quote as far as possible.

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Jesus that is a monster!!!!!


I doubt you can see over it to actually run the show! :o


Too true. With playing around with the CAD designs for my own project it quickly became obvious that I need to keep an eye on the overall height of the thing, it's all well and good having a desk that wouldn't look out of place on the Enterprise but it does help if you can see the show...


The folding screen thing is something I want to try out, hopefully I will get the 15" monitors next week and start experimenting with a few ideas. Designing it is one thing, building it is another.

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