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Ive been following this post since it first appeared on BR. I have been looking and scribbling some designs down my self.

Instead of folding the screens down forward on top of the PC wing I think folding them backwards would would look a little better. No need for that little bit of foam then that is visible on the pic.

Also what materials are you looking at using??

Got to say I hate the look of the wooden sides on the folding screen design!!

What material was used on the console that looks like a single screen whole hog??

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I originally looked at rackmounting, but everything was getting bulky and heavy fast.


I will build a rough version from mdf to start with, and when I'm happy with everything either build a more refined mdf jobbie or attempt to rope in help from someone skilled in other materials. (plastic & metal spring to mind)


The one which looks like a Hog seems as though it is made from mdf with all the edges nicely routed - that is about the level of skill I can muster. (I have found some fantastic spray paint which gives a rubberised finish, should be good on the casing)


I suspect my own efforts may end up being heavier and more medieval looking than I'd like, but having a go is half the fun of the project.

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I originally looked at rackmounting, but everything was getting bulky and heavy fast.


I will build a rough version from mdf to start with, and when I'm happy with everything either build a more refined mdf jobbie or attempt to rope in help from someone skilled in other materials. (plastic & metal spring to mind)


The one which looks like a Hog seems as though it is made from mdf with all the edges nicely routed - that is about the level of skill I can muster. (I have found some fantastic spray paint which gives a rubberised finish, should be good on the casing)


I suspect my own efforts may end up being heavier and more medieval looking than I'd like, but having a go is half the fun of the project.


Any chance of a link to see this spray paint, Im quite interested. This paint will certainly give a better finish than mdf!


How much are you up to with pricing now??


P.s just posted a link on the "chamsys £10 DMX dongle" post about using an ipod touch as a focus remote for any chamsys pc set up. defiantly worth a look for you!


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Any chance of a link to see this spray paint, Im quite interested. This paint will certainly give a better finish than mdf!


How much are you up to with pricing now??


Here's the link to the paint, I haven't tried it yet but I'm hoping it will be similar to the "soft-touch" stuff you get on some mobile phones.

Rubber paint



As for cost, I'm aiming to keep the finished article to under £2k, so far I've spent about £1600.

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I am interested to hear/see what rigs other MagicQ PC users have put together, anyone want to share details or even pics?


If you have a look at our fan pages on facebook there are some pictures of the setups people have come up with for their ChamSys MagicQ systems which I have to say are quite good! Might give some inspiration.



Ha ha! I finally looked at the Chamsys fanpages thanks to Alex's link and found some interesting setups, I must admit I didn't notice you were with Chamsys and when you said "our fan pages" I trawled through the blue room fan pages and couldn't find anything...

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