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Is it totally necessary to connect the whole desk to a UPS? It's the computer, surely, that needs to be on the UPS and almost everything else doesn't really matter because as long as the computer stays on, everything else will boot quickly. Therefore, you wouldn't need as big a UPS?
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Is it totally necessary to connect the whole desk to a UPS? It's the computer, surely, that needs to be on the UPS and almost everything else doesn't really matter because as long as the computer stays on, everything else will boot quickly. Therefore, you wouldn't need as big a UPS?


True, it would only need a small UPS but even the smallest decent looking UPS is a considerable brick and start at about 6kg. In interest of keeping the console as light as possible (I don't get four locals to lift my desk like some of the noise boys...) I am thinking of the external UPS.


Only keeping the computer on UPS makes sense but I would prefer to be able to see the screen so at least I know it isn't just the computer which has thrown a wobbly.

Besides, even the smallest UPS will easily keep this lot running for 10 minutes or more which is plenty for my needs.


That said, I just found these,




I guess these are suitable batteries?


12 sla batteries


Anyone know what size battery I should go for? (PC will draw around 80-120w, 10 minutes would be long enough but I would like some headroom to allow for capacity drop as battery ages)


This solution would be very cheap and also lightweight if I can get away with a smallish battery.

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On the PC side of things - the only mini-ITX motherboards I can find have got the CPU built on-board (Intel Atom) - if you wanted a dual core CPU would you not need an mATX motherboard (with LGA 775 socket)? I believe this would also be slightly cheaper. If you were to consider AMD you may even get a more 'bank for buck' CPU.


Just my 2p from an IT tech point of view!

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On the PC side of things - the only mini-ITX motherboards I can find have got the CPU built on-board (Intel Atom) - if you wanted a dual core CPU would you not need an mATX motherboard (with LGA 775 socket)? I believe this would also be slightly cheaper. If you were to consider AMD you may even get a more 'bank for buck' CPU.


Just my 2p from an IT tech point of view!


I found quite a few, the Zotac 9300 is looking favourite so far.

Zotac socket 775 mini-itx motherboard (in a store)

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We here at ChamSys have been following this one with great interest, and are really looking forward to seeing the finished product!


One thing that's sprung to mind is that in my personal PC Wing/touch screen setup, I've got a wireless router built in as well. The board you linked to has got a wireless connection on it, the same as the board that runs my setup has, but the way I work it is to have the wireless router set up to assign DHCP address within the Art-Net range and connect this into the motherboard's Ethernet port, leaving the board's wireless free to connect onto the internet for downloading software updates, fixture manuals etc.


Doing it this way means that should I need to I can pump out some wireless Art-Net while still having an internet connection, but also gives access to the web browser remote and *cough*iPhone*cough* other functionality for remote focusing. Given that the router I use weighs about the same as an empty pint glass, if you had the space internally then this could be a nice and useful addition!



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Thanks Matt.


I now have the three touch-screens working both off my desktop PC and laptop (only 2 external screens at a time on the lappy but I can assign the third touch panel to the lappy screen) For reference, the StarTech USB-VGA adapter is small & well made and seems to be doing the extra vga output swimmingly.


Everything for the front end is currently jury rigged on a desk while I play with various configurations - I'll post some pic's tomorrow if I get a chance.


So far I'm pretty much back to my original design as the monitors are too heavy to be trying to hinge without some serious engineering - it also avoids having to be clever with the cabling. (the monitors themselves weigh half of what I'm aiming the whole thing to weigh - I might have to build the case out of balsa wood!)

I'm a bit torn about the keyboard tray idea; it would certainly be handy but it means an extra inch or two on the overall height plus it raises the PC Wing. Maybe if I can find a really tiny & low profile keyboard.


I really like the dual WiFi idea and it just so happens I've a spare router which should do the job nicely. (so that will be at least four wifi aerials mounted on the back panel - that should cause a few comments...) And now I know who to turn to when I make a horrible hash of trying to set up all the networking widgets. (Cheers Matt :rolleyes: )

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I think you're nuts. But...I do love a bit of engineering. A few ideas that spring to mind:


For screens have you considered a simplified hinged system that just goes from flat to an arbitrary maximum viewing angle? You could use one of those ratcheting systems where it allows you to pull up to required height with release mechanism to fold flat again. While it doesn't help with flightcase depth it does reduce height and the restricted articulation would mean there are no complicated cable issues to solve.


Also you could look at skeletal metalwork rather than wood, particularly around the screens. Chances are it would be much lighter.


Finally regarding keyboard, the ones Avo use in the Expert are as slim as they come (at least with trackpad) last time I looked. I'm not going to say they're exactly the greatest keyboard ever, but they do have the size zero advantage: http://www.adesso.com/index.php/en/home/ke...d/135-akb-410us. Or maybe one of their other fine offerings?!

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I think you're nuts. But...I do love a bit of engineering.

You think I'm nuts? I won't even mention what my wife thinks....


Thanks for the keyboard, it is one that I was considering but I have found an even thinner one, just 10mm thick. it doesn't have a pointing device which suits me as I will mount a trackpad in the armrest.


I did consider looking for some kind of dampened hinge, but now I have things positioned in front of me its reasonably compact (for what it is) and should fit in a manageable flight-case so the extra work on hinges seems unnecessary.

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Ok, so now we have the screens & wing jury-rigged on a desk while I play with the layout.



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I must say I'm rather impressed as to what you've done in such a short amount of time! It's looking good! Keep up the good work! :angry:


Thanks for the comment, I just hope the finished result turns out as well as I'm hoping.


Here's the latest design, the front end is pretty much locked down apart from the pointing device. I have found a trackpad which will mount where I want it but I would prefer a trackball, I have found some that are suitable but they are way too expensive. I will try to find a cheaper source but failing that the trackpad will do.

The rear as it is should accommodate all the electronics but I won't attempt to build any casework until I have all the components.





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Here's the latest design, the front end is pretty much locked down apart from the pointing device. I have found a trackpad which will mount where I want it but I would prefer a trackball, I have found some that are suitable but they are way too expensive.


Guess you have come across Happ Controls, makers of the original arcade trackballs, remember Centipede, Crystal Castles and Missile Command, mebbe I`m just old:




Cost adds up as ball assembly needs interface as well. Happ`s stuff is built to take abuse though.


Other end of scale, but might be tricky to butcher into panel mount form:




have a read at some of the people making MAME cabinets for tips on mounting controls and monitors.

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