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Advice Please!!: Pearl Tiger...


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Or rather it is the other way around. IIRC the default is wing enabled as I mentioned above.

Sorry Nic, hadn't seen you had already mentioned that. Would say however that in all of the tigers I've used, they have been already set as using 7 through 10. I will admit to have never been the first person to use any of those desks (although I would have quite possibly been the first to use them as cue stack).



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I would still suggest, as I did in the other topic, not bothering with cue stacks and instead record states onto the playbacks and run through the playbacks in an orderly fashion. This then allows you to fade down the main state and add chases etc. over the top. I think this would be an easier option than trying to program in the cue stack and programming fade times and stuff.
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I would still suggest, as I did in the other topic, not bothering with cue stacks and instead record states onto the playbacks and run through the playbacks in an orderly fashion. This then allows you to fade down the main state and add chases etc. over the top. I think this would be an easier option than trying to program in the cue stack and programming fade times and stuff.
I have always found that doing this can end up biting you on the arse. Yes cue stack can be a bit hard to get your head around when you are used to the way the Pearl usually works, but its not that bad, and if you have it all programmed as a stack, you know how each change is going to work, and don't end up managing to crash from look into look with lights still live, or managing to 'run' a cue and end up missing out an attribute change entirely. Also, if you have as pile of subs it is much easier for an op to get it wrong (wrong faders, wrong timings) than just hitting go at the right time - with a cue stack, the show will look the same day in, day out!!


I would always say have a number of looks, and a some basic groups like a FoH wash, topwash, etc as some get out of jail free cards, but then I would say that for whatever desk you are using.

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