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PLASA - New Stuff


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Link for the very cheap DMX colour changes. They're here.


At the price they're asking, It's probably worth us all clubbing together to buy these - assuming the auction is genuine.


Your cash goes to Aussie land & the goods are in China - Hmmm...


Also, look at the box. I'd be concerned that there's a "Martin" type symbol over the letter I - Someone ripping off big time?


Having said that, at £30 ish quid each, if they're OK...


Take a look at the other items they're selling. You can get a pair of these for £81.00, which might be worth some LED type company (You know who you are ;) ) trying out - Again, assing these are genuine-ish.


Dosen`t entirely work that way, as these will come in by Fed Ex /DHL/ Unbelivable Parcel Smashers OOOps er UPS


there will be no avoiding import duties which add up as


total cost of item including shipping


VAT 17.5 %


yup you pay import duty on the VAT youv`e already paid,Import Duty variable, sometimes worth phoning customs and gettinga Binding Tariff Decision on exactly how much duty you pay but its a % of the above bill, , saves the above carriers getting carried away with it.


£20 odds from the carrier for the tsk of them collecting HM Customs slice for them


Small things that come by post usually avoid this hassle because the Post Office are too busy to collect the dosh, unless its CD shaped :blink:


The carriers will also deliver the goods and send you a customs bill a couple of weeks later just after you think you have got away with it. Post Offic wont` realease goods until theyv`e been paid if your unlucky enough to get caught.

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Okay, I think this topic has gone off course. If I wanted to know where to get cheap LED's I would have called the topic "where can I buy cheap LED Fixtures" but I didn't.


While I accept that LED's are a part of the Lighting world and this presence will increase they are still just another tool in the box.


I have to say that it appears you all, with the expection of the few that actually added information to my thread that was relevant, have your blinkers on.


I asked two simple questions:

1) What new things did you see and like at PLASA

2) How do you feel you where treated by the stand owners.


Questions I did not ask:

1) Where can I get some cheap LED fixtures from what would appear to be a very dubious source in maybe china or Australia.


I had hoped to gather some information from fellow Lighting people about what truly excited you at PLASA this year. As I have said, some you have, and I will go and take a look as ESP and the Vista (I ran out of time on my visit to get there). Also as a fellow lighting person had hope to find out how you had been treated at PLASA this year, I agree I don't like the stigma of the top deck VIP area's I don't think they have a place in this industry, but may do in others.


Thanks to those who gave input.



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I spent about 40 minutes waiting on one stand over 2 days in the hope of speaking to a rep about possibly purchasing some of their fixtures. They'd rather talk to each other than a possible sales client. They weren't busy, just Slack.


Otherwise I was treated with a bit of respect from most other places

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oops sorry for the thread hi-jack,but thats the nature of discussion forums, threads can and do diverge, did actually think about starting another thread for the importing LEDs thread, you know what they say about hindsight...


There was a few manufacturers notably missing, the central meeting point had to be put in to fill up space.


Remember someone commenting a while back that rates for exhibiting at PLASA were so high it was almost like a tax on the industry.


Think the lack of comment on new product that excites, kind of shows there was not a heck of a lot new and exciting.


I really like the multicolour LED starcloth and guess see a lot more of that around...

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Just a quick comment from an exhibitors point of view. I thought the show was very well organised this year, much better presented and although the central bar may have been put in to fill space, it did break up the show nicely.


We had a lot of new products on the stand (not that anyone has mentioned them here :rolleyes: ) tremendous amount of interest, sold six consoles on the stand and we were non stop with customers from start to 15 minutes after the end.


I appreciate that some people want to see a product or talk to someone manning the stand and everyone is busy, I get loads of comments from people after the show about how they came by a couple of times and I was tied up. Unfortunately, even with 4 days and lots of people on the stand (I think we had about 10 staff most of the time), everyone is going to be busy at some point.


You also can't expect manufacturers to bring out loads of new products every year - you would have to buy an awful lot of them to pay for the development costs. Generally the life of a product (depending what it is) is going to be around 7 years, so in the inbetween years you will just see updates to the existing product. You also have to bear in mind that each person is only interested in a small percentage of the new products on show that are applicable to their market/job. This year we had four brand new consoles on our stand plus updates to two existing ones - chances are that next year we won't have any new ones, does that mean we should n't exhibit?


Just my six penny worth from the other side!


Andy Stone

Stagetec Distribution Ltd

Compulite UK Distributor

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<<You also can't expect manufacturers to bring out loads of new products every year - you would have to buy an awful lot of them to pay for the development costs.>>


Thanks for the insight Andy, I agree whole-heartedly. While we continue to work on new products, we also spend time improving and tweaking existing products to better serve the consumer. There is an expense that we consider too, as far as warrantees, demo units, etc.

It all takes cash, and we really try to make a splash with new Apollo products that work right the first time.


This has been a pretty good thread- Chinese/Aussie/LED issues and all....




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