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School Theatre Technicians


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The challenge for a prospective employee is that with totally fluid hours of work there is little chance of fitting in other work on slack weeks, so if the salary isn't full time you may end up with les interested staff.
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It's therefore difficult to give even a ball-park figure for salary. If the post is for a full time theatre based technician, then I would suggest the salary would be vuagely (sp?) in line with the theatre industry, as it's essentially the same job, but based in an educational environment.

um.... having worked in both a proffessional venue and educational establishments I can say, no they are not the same conditions at all.

"Do we *really* need the technician here 'till 5pm when the pupils leave at 3.30pm?" etc etc



well, in my case, since the theatre is used as a teaching space 90% of the time then certain jobs can only take place outside of school hours. Plus rehearsals take place after school hours, in fact the majority of my work is is not related to students at all (planning, designing, rigging, building, sourcing, prop building etc...)


so. Yes, I am often at work after 3:30pm.

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After reading the thread I have came to this conclusion


If you want a 1/2 decent pay packet go private !


I am in the higher band (late 20's) as the AV tech and help out in the theatre at Alleyns school.


Over time is paid as TOIL witch suits me fine.




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my hours of work extend past the school day, I start at 8, school 8:30, I finish at 4, school 2:30, so there is usually enought time to fit rig time in out of the school day.


speaking to our HR manager, the main problem is that ther isnt a defined role for a theatre/performing arts tech in most education autorities, so the school has to justify and find the budget to pay for one, I for exaple am officially also an IT tech, in real life I have some responsibility for the dedicated music computer room, but even then most issues are logged with the IT dept.


private schools have the power to make whatever positions they see fit...

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my hours of work extend past the school day, I start at 8, school 8:30, I finish at 4, school 2:30, so there is usually enought time to fit rig time in out of the school day.


speaking to our HR manager, the main problem is that ther isnt a defined role for a theatre/performing arts tech in most education autorities, so the school has to justify and find the budget to pay for one, I for exaple am officially also an IT tech, in real life I have some responsibility for the dedicated music computer room, but even then most issues are logged with the IT dept.


private schools have the power to make whatever positions they see fit...


Like anything is going to change but maybe with so many schools being specialist status in arts/drama etc maybe they should make a role.

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After reading the thread I have came to this conclusion


If you want a 1/2 decent pay packet go private !


Or you get what you pay for!


Like anything is going to change but maybe with so many schools being specialist status in arts/drama etc maybe they should make a role.


My pay comes directly from the specialist status.


In fact the majority of the extra funding the school gets goes to pay the wages as all teaching staff get an extra bit, and it pays for 2 techs, an in house artist and 1 admin!



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Arnt you leaving / left!! I saw a TM job going there! ** laughs out loud **


I could be being slow here ! TM Job?


I have been here 2 years now and as far as I know not going anywhere.


currently Alleyns are looking for theatre tech/manager/dogs body and I believe drama tech in September ish



ETA.. I am a noob !!!!!! TM= theatre manager Me= AV tech




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Have you been in touch with the Schools Theatre Support Group?

Just about all of the people above are members already, but thanks for the plug! :unsure:


Our answer would be largely the same as has already been stated here. There is a huge range of salaries out there, from minimum wage, to at least one school at £40k. The independent sector does tend to be better paid, but still ranges from £15k - £30k in general.


Looking back at the OP, I don't think it's a particularly onerous job, and therefore I would agree with the figure of £14k-£16k, depending on experience - but for that you should not expect the world's greatest technician to walk in the door!

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