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DMX Blackout for video projector


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Have used wahlberg unit a number of times, and operates very well. Usually you Velcro it to top of projector and off you go. Is fairly pricey though!


That being said it does mean that the operation has to be from the LX desk or other DMX unit, and normally it is the AV op that should have control - especially in the event of cuing/play back issues.


Another option I have seen is a video signal based device, not sure on the exact wiring, but basically when a signal is sent to the projector, it opens, and when no signal sent it closes, very neat, and saves on running extra cables. But not usable with a VGA feed! (or not that I have seen)


On a final note, one of our casual techs is studying electronics and has chosen to 'play' with some DMX stuff for one of his projects. I have asked him to look at some simple DMX control stuff, for drop boxes and shutters. I think RS do a DMX module, for about £20, which may be 'adaptable' I will let you know the outcomes.




[edit] having looked, cannot find DMX module anywhere I was sure that maplin or RS sold one - maybe it was all a dream!

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While looking for information on Robert Lepage, I came upon this:

Eclipsis Dowser for Video Projector



It's effectively a DMX controlled full black-out iris - as you might find on a follow spot.

Looks like it's only available in Canada and I've no idea what it might cost but as it's been developed by the people who do the technical work for Robert Lepage I'd have thought it was probably extremely good.

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Hiya Guys



we have made one of these projector shutters and they are great! If anyone would like one at a price we will make them please email me shaune71@hotmail.com.


they are great and work really well and they run of 9v batterys.





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On our tour we have utilised an old rainbow scroller and created a scroll of progressional materials that fade the image out quite well. We use a single PSU and then just run a DMX line to the controller. Runs from the LX desk and has never let us down. The scroller is attached to the cradle with a custome bracket knocked up in the workshop.



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We've got a couple of the wahlberg units on a musical. They're not cheap for what they are, basically a commercial servo mounted in a box.


One problem we have found with them is that they become very jittery and move randomly if you set them to DMX addresses above about 100, has anybody else had this problem?

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Hi, I'm the casual tech mentioned by tom (thcousins) - I'm really interested in solving this problem cheaply but clearly unless you're willing to wait 9 months I'm not going to be able to help the original poster - sorry.


I've just started a post to do some research as to what people would like to be able to control by DMX and would really appreciate everyone's help.



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  • 10 months later...
Dont get too excited about the Eclipsis, either. I e-mailed about 9 months ago asking for info, and they said they weren't making them anymore, but were working on a new model. Another e-mail last week got the exact same response. Currently my projector shutter is made of par lamp boxes, blacktak and string.
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Make a flappy!!! We had the problem at college, fix a batten of wood above the projector, with black material on, and thread fishing wire/cotton through this, with a lightweight piece of wood on the bottom. Tie off wire, attach to string, run the distance you want and there you go! It's not DMX but its very reliable!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just been given (at work) a new projector which has a built in shutter function! Just press the button and no more light!

It's a Panasonic PT-DW5000EL (or just bloody huge!!!) Dual lamp and is hung off my rig so I can move it if I need to.

Thankyou IT department!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just picked up the mail from the theatre, and therein was a flyer for a German company proferring their "Blacky" (Obviously not so PC in Germany...)


289 Euros is again a little pricey, but if you're after something off the shelf.....


What did interest me was the fact that they also supply additional shutter arms, at 19 and 23 Euros - that was the bit that was foxing us a little for our home-brewed box of tricks (which actually works rather well - courtesy of Paul R).

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