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Ebay Fraud?


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Here is a definite fraud for you, look at these 2 items. The top one, 5 bids, £490 quid is genuine, in the description, it says, and I quote "These lights really do need no explanation or introduction. If you are looking at this item you know how good they are - Multiple colours, gobos, rotating gobos, auto-focus, shutter, blah, blah, blah! These lights have some light marks and scratches, nothing bad. I have supersized the photos so you can see for yourself. Please do not buy these expecting them to be new, they are USED. The lamps are fine and bright." Now, if we have a look at the other auction below it, No bids £3.00 starting bid we see this text "Multiple colours, gobos, rotating gobos, auto-focus, shutter, blah, blah, blah! These lights have some light marks and scratches, nothing bad. I have supersized the photos so you can see for yourself. Please do not buy these expecting them to be new, they are USED. The lamps are fine and bright. " Hmmm, something fishy going on, and the fact that the picture, as mentioned earlier is clearly not of a MAC 500.

I know we shouldn't do it on this forum, as it is technically computer talk, but could somebody show me how to report things like this to ebay please, Ive tried before, and never managed it.

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I know we shouldn't do it on this forum, as it is technically computer talk, but could somebody show me how to report things like this to ebay please, Ive tried before, and never managed it.


Reported one like this yesterday - with a martin audio monitor rig. The scammer (englishcowboy)!!! funny that - used exact pictures & description including the bit that said who (which company) was having a warehouse clearout. Got removed pretty fast. Always says not to bid but to email the scammer.



Using this link.


Will report now - if you want to can do also.

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These arnt even Macs in the Picture ??? they are EVL SPINS ???

Yup - same piccy, same description, same "Don't bid, contact me on ......." text as my first posting.


<Evil grin appears on face.....>


What if everyone e-mails the false user on the e-mail he's published in the notes..... ebay11@inbox.com asking for technical details about these items.....?

Looking at the evidence here, and mindful of Paul's warning concerns above, I do believe that this is a definite scammer. Maybe if we flood him (or her??) with a full in-box the message might get through...... (Sort of doubt it though!)





Oh - I've already sent an Ebay-mail to the real user, by the way, pointing out the potential scam!

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Just sent ebay11@inbox.com the following email,


Hi there, interested in the MAC 500's you have, I have heard they are pretty good, just wondering, how many hours are there on the lamp exactley? What sort of life have they led? How many channels do they require? Do they work on RS 232? have they got a standard set of Gobo's in? Are they Mac 500's or Mac 500 E's ? Most importantly, what is the buy it now price please? I am really quite tempted by these, just what I have been looking for if I can get them at the right price B-)



John Smith


Rekon that should do?

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Just sent ebay11@inbox.com the following email,


Rekon that should do?

Sounds about right. Sent him one myself, asking how many he had, and would he do a deal on 6!

Will be interested to see if we get any response!



Oh dear - just checked - that one's been busted as well!!! B-) :nerd: :)


Reported one like this yesterday - with a martin audio monitor rig. The scammer (englishcowboy)!!! funny that - used exact pictures & description including the bit that said who (which company) was having a warehouse clearout.

Just re-read this one, and realised that the id your scammer ripped off is in fact the same one as my original post!





This bloke just doesn't give up!!

Latest victim's here.

Same list, same photo's, but this time he's up'd the starting price of everything to £200, although the text still says "No bids, contact me for the buy-it-now".....

E-mails duly sent to Ebay and the real member.

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Has nobody realised that there is a 99% chance that ebay11@inbox.com is a fake email address???
Possibly, except if it is indeed fake, how is the scammer going to profit in any way shape or form?

If anyone bids on the item, surely the real Ebayer will get the notifications? Or is part of the scam that the culprit gets anything sent to the real person??? I don't know enough (fortunately!!) about hacking etc, so I could be wrong.

I certainly haven't had a response to MY e-mail to ebay11@inbox.com, though..... (Note that www.inbox.com is a valid client.....)



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Guest lightnix
Looking at the evidence here, and mindful of Paul's warning concerns above, I do believe that this is a definite scammer. Maybe if we flood him (or her??) with a full in-box the message might get through...

That's OK, people, you believe what you like and feel free to claim your Human Right to express that belief in the forums; as long as you're prepared to accept personal responsibility for any consequences (including legal ones), should those beliefs turn out to be unfounded, that's just fine :)


I'd be very careful myself, though, about recommending the mounting of any kind of "campaign" (even an e-mail one) against any individual, purely as the result of a "belief". Such an action might be interpreted by the recipient of such attentions, as Harrassment - a criminal offence in the UK.


Come on chaps - Habeas Corpus, innocent until proven guilty, etc. That's what (in theory, anyway) protects us all from false accusations and wrongful imprisonment (unless we ever vote in the European Constitution). If you're not prepared to grant that right to others then you have no right to it yourselves IMO.

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That's OK, people, you believe what you like and feel free to claim your Human Right to express that belief in the forums; as long as you're prepared to accept personal responsibility for any consequences (including legal ones), should those beliefs turn out to be unfounded, that's just fine :)


Come on chaps - Habeas Corpus, innocent until proven guilty, etc. That's what (in theory, anyway) protects us all from false accusations and wrongful imprisonment (unless we ever vote in the European Constitution). If you're not prepared to grant that right to others then you have no right to it yourselves IMO.

Well, I do actually believe, Nick, that in this specific case, there is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that there is a scam afoot. It's proven by the fact that the same 'auctions' have been posted on no less than FOUR different users' accounts and subsequently removed by Ebay following concerns that were raised. In those circumstances, I don't feel at all worried about any potential fallout from a scammer being hassled by concerned members of the public - ie us.


Don't get me wrong - I agree that innocence until proven guilty is 100% valid, and if you check back, you'll find that when I started this latest round of "Watch the auction" my comments were indeed guarded, just in case the items were for real. The suggestion that a) it's a fraudulent instance and b) the originally light-hearted suggestion that we pound the guy with e-mail enquiries was only made after the second (or maybe third) occurrence occurred.


My personal view on highlighting potentially duff items on Ebay, especially those advertising theatre kit, is that it's a worth-while enterprise as long as things do stay within the bounds of common sense - something I reckon is certainly the case on this thread. I have, in every instance I've found, sent a short e-mail to the real Ebayer asking either a question about the item, or suggesting that they might want to check their account and act accordingly. I've also reported the scammer on 3 occasions to Ebay. Both of these actions I believe to be responsible and necessary.


So let's try not to get too heavy on this, please. You might want to move the thread into Tea Break rather than Lighting but as we're having a sensible discussion on an ongoing repetitive issue I'd like to see it continue..... within reason, of course!!




(Oh, and by the way - the last linked scam has again been closed, but another has sprung up!! - item 6066202209)

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This bloke just doesn't give up!!

Latest victim's here.

Same list, same photo's, but this time he's up'd the starting price of everything to £200, although the text still says "No bids, contact me for the buy-it-now".....

There aren`t any items listed now for this seller.

Perhaps he`s sold them all with the "buy it now" option :)


I emailed him for a Buy it Now price.

He emailed me back with a request to send the money via Western Union.

He is registered on Enbay as in the USA.

The "goods" are listed as being in the UK

His address, he gave me, is in Italy.

Should I be suspicious?

Might this be a scam?



Gerry Harris

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