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I don't have personal experience of either course - but having spoken at some length to students who've experienced both, and heard about what the colleges and their courses are like, my suggestion would be LIPA.
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With all due respect, a person that is at and promoting LIPA, and claims to run their own business.




For all your techncial needs for productions and events


With headlines on their site saying:


"Production Technical Solutions are followspotting for the anual pantomime in Hunstanton this year, Jack and The Beanstalk"




"Production Technical Solutions gains contract for supplying and operating lights, sound and staging for the Liverpool Deaf Children's Society fundraising event on 8th December in Liverpool."


Says it all really, a person like that would not get into RWCMD.


I had the choice of RWCMD and LIPA, but choose RWCMD as it was a fantastic all round college, that did not have out of this world technology that nine times out of ten you would not find in the 'real' world. You work very hard, and you play very hard.


And unlike some colleges, you do not come out with a big head thinking I am the best thing ever and advertise yourself as an LD with the intention of working in large rock and roll, or musicals straight away.


I know this will offend people, but that's life.

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a person like that would not get into RWCMD

You seem very confident of that - how do you know? Is there something in the admissions criteria that prevents people who make slightly lofty claims on their personal website from being awarded a place on the course? Or is it just that you consider yourself and your peers to be better than Al in some way?


The bottom line is that the OP should check them both out, see what sort of facilities are offered, see what the academic staff are like, investigate the curriculum and whether it suits their needs, find out whether the course offers the amount of specialisation that they're looking for in their chosen disciplne, talk to current students to get a picture of what academic life at that establishment is really like, possibly consider the graduate employment prospects based on previous years' records, and make their own decision.

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Appologies to all, was having a bad time in work at the time of the rant! Bloody sparkies in Germany with their unreliable connections!


I'm always very dubious of people who claim to run their own bussiness in the first year of a training course, as it infuriates me when in the past I've hired people to work on the premise what they said they could do was true, and it turns out to be a blantant lie.


With regards to the two courses, yes I'd say compare them both in great detail, but I belive that RWCMD does give you a more rounded experience, as I've met dsm's trained in different colleges that would not even consider helping move a piece of set.


Addmitadely not many employers know about the NCDT accreddiation, and I'm not too sure how much it would matter to them as in the six years since I left I've never once been asked about it, but after your first couple of jobs no one asks about your uni expereince, it's just what you did on the past few shows.


Feel free to IM me to talk about it in more detail,



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I think it's rather difficult to ask any current or ex-student of either LIPA or RWCMD to comment as obviously each will think better of their own institution (unless they had a very bad time of it). As others have said, it's best to make up your own mind. (My vote still stands for RWCMD and I didn't even have an easy time of it - but then I never even applied to LIPA so can't comment).
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I had the choice of RWCMD and LIPA, as well as some other very excellent schools, after much deliberation I chose LIPA. The deciding factor was that, unlike the others university's, LIPA's activities weren't restricted to the theatre. They offered so many more options, entertainment related For example, I had a keen interest in video/film production and editing, LIPA offered me the means to develope this interest where as RWCMD didn't or didn't make it obvious. LIPA also allowed me the freedom to complete the course at my pace, of course, I still had deadlines, but when work opportunities came along, there was little hesitation on whether it would be possible for me to gain the invaluable experience. It was Yes! 90% of the time.

One of my favourite points of LIPA is that they constantly encourage you to try new things. We organised tours of our shows around the country. We learnt by filling in license applications and actually applying for funding from the Arts Council or other.

At other universities, the structure was classroom based, where as LIPA places more emphasis on the practical side. 2-3 days a week of 3 hours lectures in the morning, with the afternoons and evenings free for practical work, whether it be internal or external.

I sound like and advertisement for LIPA but not being strong with the academics, I really wanted a course that would challenge me more practically rather than in the classroom. Saying that, I am now looking at doing a MA in management and the RWCMD course looks fantastic!

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The best thing to do when looking at a course is to ask them what their graduates are doing. Then you can judge their success on the experiance you will have.


But Sorry


Middlesex University rules!!!!!


p.s. I just bought 3 GrandMA desks 12 Mac750'3 and 16 Mac TW1's along with an Avo Pearl and more generics than you can shake a stick at, for Middlesex!


So if it's kit you want?....

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I would be very careful about slagging off another person on here, NO where on my website do I claim to be a professional, for instance, if you lookat my CV you will see that I make no claim there other than the fact that I am a Student, like yourself!


Therefore, I suggest you think very carefully!!



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I would be very careful about slagging off another person on here, NO where on my website do I claim to be a professional, for instance, if you lookat my CV you will see that I make no claim there other than the fact that I am a Student, like yourself!


Therefore, I suggest you think very carefully!!





handbags?...10 paces?...Dawn?...

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  • 11 months later...
I applied for RWCMD and LIPA for entry Sept 08/09 and RWCMD were very quick to decline my application without having an interview. Where LIPA and my other two universities, Mountview and Trinity College were all quick to offer me a place. I have chosen to go to LIPA. So as it stands it would of been interesting to know why RWMD declined me :S
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Hi Guys


As an ex LIPA graduate I have to say im very shocked at the negative comments from many people not only about LIPA but the suggestion that you could do better than to study in the city of Liverpool. I cant comment on studying in other cities however Liverpool is a fabulous city with a booming cultural arts industry. their are so many small theatres and performance spaces hidden within the nooks and crannies of this great musical city. Forget the press that you read, The city hasn't been awarded Capital of culture for nothing.


Now for LIPA.

The comment of "if you just want to play with a hog 3 and some moving lights go to LIPA" couldn't be further from the truth. Assuming you are talking about the Theatre and performance design and technology course then their are many specialisms that you can take from stage management, live sound, lighting design and control, intelligent lighting systems etc. I spent 3 years on this course and came away with a lot. both in terms of Knowledge, experience, contacts, and work.


There is a lot of equipment in LIPA and you cant be taught on it all. Talk lighting desks for example.

Hog 2

Hog 3

Hog PC and wing (LIPA is sponcered by High end systems)

high end Status Que! (what a desk)

ETC Express

Strand 520

Strand LX Range

Strand LBX


Now you cant be taught on them all but what the course does is help you to help yourself. All of these products are available to book and you can book a room/studio with some movers and read the manual.


I think you get out of any course what you put into it. LIPA is not for people who want to turn up to a few lectures a week and come out three years later with a degree and a job in the industry.


As for the comments regarding Al and his site. I think this is just petty. As an ex graduate I have worked as a freelancer and now run a small hire company. Just because the web site has news of the company doing a few small events or things you dont think to impressive doesn't mean that they dont do good work or provide a professional service. LIPA teaches graduates to promote them selves within the industry and has a very good ratio of graduates working within the industry. What role you choose when you get into our industry is your choice.


For more info on LIPA please PM Me

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