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DiGiCo or Soundcraft?


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It worries me that from the information provided by the OP there is a total of less than 40 inputs needed and yet these consoles have been discussed, massively overkill is an understatement. Also I would question whether someone saying "we have 16 new speakers, what other kit would you recommend" has real input or control over the amounts of money we are talking about here.


As for my personal opinion, I would go for a digico system, they are used much more frequently in theatre and have the backing of some very good theatrical designers and engineers using and updating their consoles, and creating specific theatrical desks, for example the D5T. I was also keep away from using a desk as a speaker Managment system, using an XTA, Gallileo or Lake system provides much more control over a system and has all the controls you would expect and need to do proper delay, EQ, compression and limiting.


But this is all my opinion, again, anyone speccing a large scale digital desk lille this would hopefully have an idea of speaker Managment systems etc anyway. If the budget Is there for this kind of spend then surely you can employ the expertise of a professional with system design experience?



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It looks to me like this is a bit of a 'I've got coursework due in, what's the best desk'. Not a 'Were refitting our theatre, can you suggest a suitable console'. In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of the stuff mentioned so far on this topic you haven't understood at all.


16 Speakers doesn't mean you need 16 desk outputs.. for all we know you could be talking about somethign like the D&B Q1s, maybe using 6 of those a side hung and 2 subs a side.. that would make 16 speakers, but you'd technically only need 2 outputs (being L&R) unless of course you wanted them all seperately delayed and put over matrixes which may mean you want to use 16 outputs.. but you definitely don't need anywhere near that many.


This seems like a pointless topic, and frankly a bit of a waste. If you are actually doing this as a serious topic, I suggest you stop there. To me, and more than likely to many of the members on this forum; it sounds as if you don't really know what your talking about, so it's best to get in professionals to review your venue and suggest the right system for the job.




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3 Shure PSM1000 IEM systems?




Just to expand... the PSM1000 was announced as a new product at NAMM a couple of months ago, and the (UK) online stores are showing it as "not yet available to purchase". It's possible that a few preproduction or demo versions might be available, but these would normally be out for testing and evaluation with the major hire companies...

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And 16 speakers for a560 seat venue...?

WHY? An auditorium of that size shouldn't (in my limited experience) be needing anywhere near that many - should it?





I could be playing devil's Advocate here - and reading the OP's successivly bizarre posts I suspect I am but.. I have been known to use 11 speakers for an audience of little more than 60 in one of our local studio venues so 16 isn't too huge a stretch for a significantly larger venue.


/Devils Advocate.



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Well, as I've said before, noise isn't my strongest point, but I still feel that that many cabs in that sized venue for predominantly musical theatre is WAY OTT.


In my venue, at half that size we're fine for pretty much any theatre application with 2 Nexo cabs plus the one sub, plus a couple for foldback to the cast..


So maybe the OP can explain just why they feel the need for 16...?


If he can't then with respect I'd suggest he's NOT the right choice for being in the position of specifying ANY of the venue's gear...

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I disagree with saying that 16 is too many speakers without knowing anymore information about the venue, it could be in the round for example, or they may have surround and delay systems included in that number. Try looking at a Mick Potter design and see how many speakers are used, it can provide much more even coverage and reduce feedback majorly by having more speakers closer to the audience, rather than having a LR pair turned up to full deafening the front rows whilst the people at the back are struggling to hear.



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We have several dozen speakers in a small surround sound lab. It's not the number that's so important, it's the knowledge of what to do with them... This latter aspect seemed to be the missing ingredient in this thread.



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I disagree with saying that 16 is too many speakers without knowing anymore information about the venue,


True - in theory.

But what we DO know (or at least can assume from the OP's profile) is that this is an AM DRAM venue, with 16 cabs 'sitting in their boxes' and an all too obviously inexperienced young (ish) poster who appears to know too little about what is needed.


Yes, I'm drawing conclusions from too little info, but without more to go on...........


And, yes, I'm sure there WILL be high flying amateur venues with loads of kit that's used properly. I just don't get the feeling that this is one of them!


So - more info please.

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This is pretty funny :)


Digico £100,000

Yamaha M7CL £20,000


Im not amazing with maths but I make the diffrence £80,000 that should get someone to train you on the M7. Hey for £80,000 I will spend a whole year teaching you :)

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We have 386 seats. We bought an LS9-32, which was quite an expenditure for the kind of money that 386 seats can bring in (and most shows sell about 1/3 of the seats). I can't see your room being able to justify spending much more, unless it's a very high end room with high ticket sales and prices. (Yes, I would like to have an SD9, but at almost triple the price I could not possibly have justified it.)
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