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MagicQ User co-operative


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We'd certainly be interested in joining in, we currently have a PC Wing setup with 17" Touchscreen laptop to go with it. We'll also be placing an order for an MQ100 Pro 2010 and Playback wing in the next few weeks.


In terms of pricing I don't think Paul's suggestions are quite there for a start I think you'd be lucky to get ~£500 per week for an MQ100, £250-300 per week seems to be a much more normal rate, I also think the PC Wing is a little under priced once you add the cost of casing it and adding a laptop, Paul's suggestion is certainly below our current list price. Whilst the standard formula is a good rule of thumb we also set our pricing based on feature set and the hire cost of similar consoles, the example of a going rate for a Pearl Expert up above is a good example.

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Thanks for the info - in fact there'd be nothing to stop any other dealers with Chamsys kit for hire joining in here - we don't want to exclude people, but just collate the 'pool' of kit, perhaps promoting it a bit and if we make a few quid and help people out, all to the good!



Using the two comments on prices - and applying the same scaling, the ballpark figures would seem to be more like this?

--------------cost-p/wk-inc vat


MQ100 pro-----9800--250----300

playback wing-2500--100----120

mini wing-----650----30-----36

pc wing-------1400---60-----72

maxi wing-----2900--130----156

extra wing----1400---60-----72


Weekend rates by negotiation?



John - good points. I'll include your firm when I do the next update, it'll be a few days before the proper site is up and running.


I'd rather thought that we would offer a PC if they need one, but I'd expect a lot of potential hirers to already have the software and be familiar with it, just needing the control surface - but I've got a system all racked up, with touchscreen too. I can't decide if the computer systems need a separate page for those of us who have them? What do people think?

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The PC or no PC with the wings is an interesting one. We always hire out our PC Wing with the laptop as we see it as a complete package and therefore under our control. Our issue in sending it without a PC is if there are issues with the system whilst out. It could potentially be difficult to tie the problem to the hardware or the PC running it and throw open a whole who's responsibility it is to resolve the issue if you can see where I'm coming from.


Whilst this is less likely to be an issue with experienced users it could be with less experienced users.

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I guess it's probably down to the customers needs. I kind of worked on the premise that lots of people (especially now that the dongles are quite cheap) use them with their laptops, and probably have spent quite a while on the programming and patching, but the lack of buttons and faders makes it a bit of a pain to use for much other than running a cue stack. So I thought they'd probably like a cheap way to access proper manual controls. On the other hand, as John explains - we have other people who just want a lighting control which they will start from scratch on. I think I ought to add a column for computer available - which will be a pain now, but I'll put it on the list to do.
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I think I ought to add a column for computer available - which will be a pain now, but I'll put it on the list to do.


Designing a function to render a table based on information schema stored once in an XML file or the like is the way to go, from there you can edit the parameters of the table very easily. Once you've got the function written once not only can it do any tables on that site, but it's very easy to drop into another site that needs it as well.


I did a similar thing but storing the schema in the same database as the information I'm querying is in. According to those more knowledgeable than me, that presents a massive security hole.



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Like quite a few others, interested from a customer perspective, if I do end up buying any MQ gear, I will be happy to hire it out as part of this co-operative.

Also, would it not be a good idea to make a poll to gauge people's interest, seeing as there are about 4 possible responses:





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I'm slightly confused by the complication of a database - I can't really see the point. Essentially the data would need to be typed in once. I can't really see people needing to sort it. Click on the map for people local to you (or at least in that county) and if there isn't anyone, go back to the map and go out a little - or look at the full list. I certainly don't want complication and public access to generate security issues. The info is in a table already - but seems to work. The problem with adding and extra column is purely space - I either need to shrink the font a little, or widen the page - and that's the snag - just a time issue as the page count is fairly high.


At the moment, we just want to concentrate on owners, and a geographic spread would be nice - the info on users is handy to see what people think, but I'm not certain a poll would help?


I've changed the size a bit and added the computer column here

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First one is easy - second one will take some doing to keep up to date. I can easily add it in manually - starting from scratch. Just adds to the time when adding new people. I'll see what I can do.


I've added links to the product pages to people who have those items, and changed the menu title as suggested.

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just a reminder to those with wings to hire out:

make sure the wings you send out have a cd, or flash drive with the drivers on. getting to a job with no wifi and no disk to install the drivers would be a right pain in the backside.


also, have set prices been agreed or is it a case of price on application?



EDIT TO ADD: http://www.magicq-hire.com/leicestershire.html

some alignment issues NAME LOCATION ETC and associated information underneath.

Firefox 4.0.1


not a big issue what so ever, and paul you have done a very good job on the site.

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Price wise, we've got ball park figures that were adjusted about due to market conditions, but as the system is just a contact point, people are free to charge what they think is fair and reasonable. Nobody has suggested any further ups or downs, so I think having the flexibility to charge a bit more for extras people have such as interfaces and clever odds and ends is fine.


I've fiddled with alignment so hopefully it's ok - I'm running firefox v6 as a tester, and it looks ok on this, but tried IE and they now look the same.


I've drawn a blank with insurance companies - I got a suggestion from one to try Torribles, but they couldn't help - although another did think they might be able to help - so I'm waiting for details. Musiguard, who have great flexible policies can't extend any coverage for equipment out of your control, so that hopeful one didn't pan out.

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