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MagicQ User co-operative


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Last month BR introduced to the world of Magic Q. What a brilliant piece of software I must say. I have been using it at home getting use to it and it has already saved my bacon on a show where the theatres desk broke before the at the 30min call! this lead me to think about the possibility of hiring a wing to use for a summer event I'm doing. We have three stages being used all at different times of the day, and the plan now is to use a maxi wing on each stage when its being used, and then just plot and focus etc with a second laptop. dramatically cutting the hire costs, and saving my client a wad of money. However I am not in a position currently to purchase and started looking around at my usual hire suspects but alas couldn't find anyone with any stock!


so all in all what a magic(pun intended) idea and well brought off the ground! I shall be containing soon regarding some hires over the late summer and hopefully next year adding into the south east kitty of equipment.



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(apologies for hi-jacking this thread but it would seem the most appropriate place on here)



Some of you may be familiar with my project to build a MagicQ PCwing into a more console-like enclosure.

(youtube link



Unfortunately, availability of my time to finish the project has proven elusive since the arrival of our second child.It does not look like this situation is likely to improve any time soon, so I am looking to see if anyone would be interested in taking over the project or failing that; find someone to buy the components for whatever purpose.


I have all of the hardware to build the project, it just needs someone who can build the necessary casework to hold it all. It would be great if someone wanted to use my current design but there would be no issue with using your own.If anyone is interested then please PM me for more details.




(I am planning on keeping the PCWing so this is of most use to those that have their own - I may be persuaded to part with it but no promises)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Blue Roomers-


Martin's Lights Ltd in Reading now has a Maxi Wing running from an Asus touchscreen netbook, and has a MagicDMX Full interface arriving this week. Paul has listed this on the MagicQ hire website.


Am I allowed to say that?



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You just did! I think that to comply with the forum rules, we shouldn't really promote individual entries - but it does seem to show that there is in fact, a sensible amount of kit out there now - the map has some large blank areas, though that could do with being filled.
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Oh no - another two countrie to draw! Just joking - but I'll add them as soon as I can. If you could both send me via PM the email address you want to have on the site, I'll try to add it tomorrow if I get a moment.


Manuel - what do you have available?


I'll probably start up and international sub-section which would work better.


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Oh no - another two countrie to draw! Just joking - but I'll add them as soon as I can. If you could both send me via PM the email address you want to have on the site, I'll try to add it tomorrow if I get a moment.


Manuel - what do you have available?


I'll probably start up and international sub-section which would work better.



Pc wing

Extra wing

Mini wing

Touchscreen pc

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I've been away for a few days, and to be honest, I think I have someone who contacted me to request being added in, but I can't find the notes I left - as my wife always seems to tidy up when I'm away.


I've done Mario, a new associate in Spain - just waiting a few extra details, but I am certain there was another person? If it was you, could you contact me via email please paul@earsmedia.co.uk

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