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Theatrical question (ish)


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everyone except Zero88 - they all work this way.


Unfair Gareth. None of desks use this methodology anymore.




You're quite right, Graham, I was wrong to generalise like that - Frog desks do indeed use the 'proper' method of entering cue timing. At least you guys at Z88 realised that the way that Sirius desks dealt with timings was in fact b*ll*cks, and put it right in the newer desks! :( :(

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...because you are referring to the down time - which is still associated with the previous cue - because each cue contains data for the up and down time for the preset associated with the cue.  The next cues down time refers to the fade into the following cue.


I may read you wrong/be confused - but I find it quite a logical way of programming a stack.  In order to get a nice xfade, you just ensure that the down and up times of adjacent cues match.

No, I don't care how much you try to justify it, it doesn't make sense. Let's say you have a cue, one function of which is to take a specific channel down in level from, say, 80% in the previous state to a new level of 60%. Where would you naturally expect to have to program the time for that downward transition? In the cue that you actually run to effect the change (i.e. "this cue fades increasing channels in {up-time} seconds and decreasing channels in {down-time} seconds")? Or the cue before it (i.e. "this cue fades increasing channels in {up-time} seconds and decreasing channels in {the-down-time-that's-programmed-into-the-cue-immediately-prior-to-this-one} seconds")?! I know which one makes more sense to me - the method that's been employed on memory consoles pretty much since they were invented 40 years ago!


And as Graham rightly says, even Z88 have now abandoned their own cack-handed system of cue timings and fallen into step with other console manufacturers - what does that tell you about the Sirius system of cue time programming? :(

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OK Gareth I take your point - and I agree that the standard method is better - now I actually understand how they work....


I wonder if there would be a way of updating the offending desks to bring them into line? OK perhaps that would be completely rediculous from a business POV, but there must be quite a few Sirius 24/48's out there.



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Not being harsh but the way to upgrade your desk to standard timing methods is to upgrade your desk with a new one...


To update the Sirius would be a pointless task, mainly because why stop with just changing the way cue times work in a software change, why not change a few other things, do you see what I mean, its much better to release a new lighting desk starting from scratch than fix a couple of issues with a fairly old and limited desk... ( in comparison to today so nobody jump! )


In its time the Sirius was a very good desk, but to just re-release it with a few changes ( like cue times ) wouldnt make it sell today, it doesnt offer enough when its fighting for a place in our current market offereings....


Z88 did very well with the Frog Series as a modern replacement to the Sirius range!

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Oh I do agree Colin - I was just thinking for those venues where money is very tight, therefore not being able to afford an upgrade. But then again they are probably so used to the timing method that it wouldn't be a problem!


As an aside I find it interesting just how many hire companies still have Sirius' (or should that be siri?) in their stock....



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  • 2 weeks later...

A z88 Alcora is ok as a desk, a little on the basic side and ok - moving lights aren't too good on it (as in programming) but it does the job. Maybe a frog/fat frog if you are looking to go a little more advanced (and if the budget stretches). There are many different opinions/desks out there, you could even use a PC as a desk, just get a USB or PCI box for it and do all from that..


Look around, dont just stick with one company either, plenty out there with differenct products and prices..

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...back to the original post...


well all is beside the point now as I bought a 48 way 200 series, and it just completed its first job with 11 S4 juniors, 8 minuette pc's, 22 floor cans and 4 thomas pixel battons and it did the job....




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