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I got 4 also :) Pretty darned happy with that!



A 4 here too! I am rather surprised with that, I was doing it on my netbook screen. I found the 3rd row the hardest.

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0 = You have perfect color vision!

Though you guys might like some proof that I'm not cheating :)





EDIT: To get rid of all the HTML and fix the image :)

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I got.........


Bored and lost interest in it before rushing the last row, possibly because I have known colour vision deficiency and don't reckon on scoring well (70). After all, if I can't see those number in the little dots...


As I'm not a broadcast engineer or a fighter pilot, it's not a big deal and having spent most of my life in lighting, working with many other colour blind LDs it's also not exactly uncommon.


What it may indicate is that it's more important to be reliable and get on with other people in the business above pretty much anything else.

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I got 13. In something like this, would youth be an advantage or a handicap? Obviously in hearing frequencies it is an advantage as kids can hear a larger range of frequencies, however it would be a handicap if I was to try and name those frequencies as I have had less time to learn what each frequency sounds like.....
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Don't understand what I am supposed to do with the test. :huh: :huh:

Perhaps I have a look at it tomorrow before I start on the wine and brandy. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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8...but it might depend on how "good" or how well calibrated your monitor is, as mentioned above. I was once told that CRT monitors were "better" at colour but who can say these days?


I would expect a better result from a decent, calibrated monitor, in "ideal" viewing conditions, whatever they are.


Therefore any low score is bound to be suspect...and any high score is almost certainly down to a duff monitor...can't say fairer than that.

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