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what does lx mean


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:) Thank everyone That did tell me what it means

here is a message to the other people: <snipped childish rant>


OK, Joe.

This is where you receive a polite warning - you're a newcomer here, and (especially compared to the majority of regulars), you're a mere youngster.

Now, being youthful does have advantages, but if you've spent ANY time at all reading other topics on the BR, you'll see that we're tolerant up to the point where the youth start to rebel.


This particular thread, started by yourself, is perhaps seen as being a tad more basic than basic itself, hence the raised eyebrows and comments tending towards the sarcastic. But that's just the way that life is, in general. If you were sitting in a theatre crew room, having previously stated you were on a theatre course and also that you were working AT a theatre, and asked that very same question to the assembled crew, you would most likely have gotten exactly the same response, and quite probably worse - and you would likely have been ribbed about it for some time.


However, asking maybe one experienced team member he same question quietly away from the rest, and you may have just gotten the answer back quietly without the fuss.


No-one will object to you asking questions, no matter how dumb they seem. BUT you need to make sure that you're asking the right question in the right way, and that you've at least made the effort and looked in other topics to see if it's been asked before.


Oh - and typing what appears to all intents to be a childish pout in large font and verbally stamping your foot will NOT win friends and influence people....



Now, having just read your profile again (updated - thanks) I see that you are just 12 yrs old. Nothing wrong with that as such, but in theatre terms you are a tad young to be making claim to be working at a theatre - despite it being attached to your school.

We will be more than happy to help now and in the future, but please make sure that in your formative years you don't try to misrepresent yourself in any way.

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Moderation: Joe, you will need to grow a thicker skin, especially if you want to work in the theatre. Yes, people did take the p!ss a bit, but you really (in the nicest sense) did deserve it.


I'm going to close this, and prune your rant.

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