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Lets talk PA's.


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We have a large and properly setup dB Technologies T4 line array flown system in a room with good acoustics. Anybody is welcome to PM me and arrange a day to come in and hear the system if they have an interest in it. Since I will have to travel in I would ask you cover my hourly rate, I'm not here to make money but I have to cover my way; I'm happy to help if it helps you.

I think you should re-read this topic, and consider if you are suggesting a demo of gear in the same league as what the OP is talking about, I think you'll find he's looking for something a little less that a full line array.

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Having owned dB Tech stuff a few years ago, I'm now abusing RCF gear and would be inclined to suggest you go RCF if you can. Nothing wrong with dB Tech, excellent bang for buck, but I prefer the audio quality from the RCF range personally.


I have not heard the more recent DVX stuff from db Tech which may bridge the gap but I did get to hear the DVA T4 in a groundstack array and it was fairly impressive.


I was never a fan of the SX300 but if you can live with plastic speakers I think it's wise to check out the RCF Art offerings, there is something in there for practically everyone.


It's a serious toss up, I agree. It's just that from how much I can invest back into this again point of view. I'm shying away from the SX300's now, as going active will make more sense as I'm transporting it in a car.


It definitely looks like RCF are swaying my favor, I must admit. I guess budget is my main factor now.


Again, thanks to everyone here for there help, you've really changed the way I think about putting a kit together. :)


I think you should re-read this topic, and consider if you are suggesting a demo of gear in the same league as what the OP is talking about, I think you'll find he's looking for something a little less that a full line array.


I unfortunately don't need a line array at the moment, I do agree. :D

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Sorry guys, just thought I'd give this an update.


The PA I've finally decided on (after hearing some more RCF stuff in my local sound suppliers) is this:




Behringer Xenyx 2442 (10 channels, comp on each channel, fx unit and 4 aux sends)




Eurorack Eq from behringer.


2 RCF 312a and 1 dB Technologies Sub 05.




Eurorack Eq (again)


Peavy PVI 2600 amp


2 Peavy hisys 1's.


Luckily I already own a stack of hisys speakers so I should be able to expand to a 4 way mix as time goes on.


Again, thanks for all your help with me deciding what I'm going to get. I think the upgrade path for me will be to add another 2 312's and another dB tech sub when funds allow, which should be by the summer beginning.


If all goes well, by the end of the year I hope to run a pair of 712's and 2 905as as the FOH, using the 312's as monitors, which will leave the whole system active and should save a lot of space in my car, so I won't have to upgrade to a van.


Also, I'll probably upgrade to a 16 channel Dynacord mixer too, but I'll have to check around first as well, like with the FOH stuff, I need to keep my ideas open or else I'll just stay stuck in my old ways of thinking.


Thanks again to all of you for your suggestions, I really would not have considered the active route, but by the time I've scaled up to the 712's.. if I was going to emulate the same setup with amps etc, I would definitely need to consider a vehicle change.


You have saved me money and a lot of heartache, so pat yourselves on the back on this one! :)

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