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You may find that for the foreseeable, your target audience is all "given out". Not wishing to be a kill-joy, but people's pockets are only so deep, and a lot of people are giving a lot of money to those who really need it.


If you have a God, ask him where he was...

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abseliling down local landmarks,




I like the sound of that one but the only thing is its going to cost us before hand.


Has Anyone ever done anything like this before??



Get in touch with your local climbing establishment and talk to them about it. Get in touch with the local authority to determine access to the landmark. Get in touch with the owners and your personal insurers.

It'll take a while to organise properly and safely.


And like Andrew C said, the donations that I'm giving for at the moment are for more fundamental things than new theatre toys

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Get in touch with your local climbing establishment and talk to them about it. Get in touch with the local authority to determine access to the landmark. Get in touch with the owners and your personal insurers.

It'll take a while to organise properly and safely.


Slightly more positive, and bearing in mind you'll probably want to leave this 'til summer when most will have forgotten anyway...


Try both the TA and Regular Army / Marines. The Marines in the past have set-up a charity abseil down an office block in Southampton for fundraising (HSBC staff were involved). ISTR there are Marines based in your neck of Kent?

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You could also maybe organise a joint fund raising event, donating half the money to a charity and keeping half to help your school. If you do it like that you will probably get more people involved, and you will be raising money for a good cause at the same time. Some of the events organised by my school work like this and are usually pretty successful.


Things we have done are caberet evenings, "talent" shows (if you can manage to sit through one) and also fashion shows. The fashion shows are done with a clothes company who sell their clothes at discount prices at the end of the show - which sells the tickets - and also give a percentage of their profit.

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You could also maybe organise a joint fund raising event, donating half the money to a charity and keeping half to help your school. If you do it like that you will probably get more people involved, and you will be raising money for a good cause at the same time. Some of the events organised by my school work like this and are usually pretty successful.


That so far sounds like the best to do. I'll do some more research tonight and see what local charitys would be interested.


But the only thing with fundrasing events I've noticed is you have to pay to gain (if you get me on that)

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seconded for what its worth - I have done these shows where the cash goes 1/2 each way.


the friends/pta/whatever they are called will usually be able to help you there.

but beware, if going for that option, there will have to be a damn good show and that tends to mean hiring a fair bit of kit out for the nights.

this can eat into your profits a fair bit.


good luck

andrew clunie

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People will be given out with the se asia problem. try for any local charitable trusts close to your town, They tend to be the estate of former local worthies left in trust for local community purposes. Likely they are administered by local accountants or long established firms of local solicitors. Look hard enough and you will likely find a local or regional list of charitable foundations offering grants. Big functions (abseils etc) tend to get publicity which raises public awareness and gets more bums on seats. Applying to grant awarding trusts is an art in itself as the founder will have left conditions for applicants to pass prior to a successful award. You could always apply to the national lottery, if you follow their rules.


Talk to the Charity Commissioners about grant awarding charities specific to your area.

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I've taken high intrest in The Absailing down a landmark one. And I've made contact with a few absailing companys and my local council and it looks like it could go ahead all ive got to do now is find out who's going to take part and where it will take place and what charity to join with us.
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We always do a "bag-pack" to raise money for my local theatre company. Basically, go into asda or the likes (you must get permission first) and pack people's bags for them. If yu can get enough people, you can man every till then it's great. This does work best around christmas though as people have more shopping and are feeling more generous. Also, like others have said, this wont be great at the moment and people would rather give to the tsumani victims.


Might be worth considering for xmas though?


There's often abseils where I live (Wigan) down a huge hotel. It normally costs about £3 per person and thats including all your harness etc. That would be worth doing as there is a very small outlay. I've done it and it was quite scary!! Mind you, the man in front of me was terrified of heights and was wimpering as he went over the edge. No wonder I was nervous :)




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