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Need Help w/ DCX2496 Crossover & Sound Issue, thanks!


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in the back of the dcx-2496 manual the above way I mentioned is how it describes to setup a system with 2 powered tops and passive subs?? it shows a diagram and everything,,,do the L and H really mean anything, I thought like you were thinking, but according to the manual I have it right,,,and I'm not using 2 cables for my subs, but rather 1 I have a+b summed and only using one output for sub out...please help thanks
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one final question before tomorrow night...I have my dcx-2496 configured again, at least it's workable at this point...I didn't get to borrow a voltmeter from my friend to set a new limiter on the crossover...I did make a few changes in gain on the crossover but not much...is it safe to say I can use my last limiter setting from old crossover unit and at least be somewhat protected...and I guess my question is this, for those that don't use limiter...will I see the clip light come on my crossover to at least give me warning to turn things down a bit?? and should I just keep my old limiter setting turned on for tomorrow night and just monitor it?? thank you
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