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Lighting Observation. Got any stories?


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Yes Scrub-way was a hole of mine in the first two yeas of Uni (£1 a drink and 2 for 1).


I work at the Bongo Club


I do like the Bongo. I've only dun one gig in there, Lx for the Ruffness about a year ago. I do remember the desk not likening me much but hay that's life. It is a good wee Lx rig but needs more Pars (I think every where need more Pars).


I'm the senior Lx tech for EUSA (Edinburgh University Students Association). I have two moving light rings. One in Potterow, all martin gear, sum 500s, 600s, 250s, 812s and lots of robo IIIs. The other one is the Debating Hall in Teviot, 250s, 918s and sum Pars. Its all getting a bit long in the tooth but still nice to work with. We do club and bands, but more clubs than bands.


I find it depends on the band / group / gig


I did one gig where I got tolled at the stat of the in that someone form the bands would commie and have a chat about watt thy wanted for Lx. Just before doors the drummer came up to me and said "We like strobe", I told him I had 7k of them and he went back to the dressing room.

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Yeah sometimes bands dont give a flying **** about the lighting. But personlly I do get quite a lot of praise maybe not so much from the band, but from the audience who then relay it back to the band, saying "your lighting was fab" ect.


A lot of bands dont realise how important good lighting is.


We all know a good sound makes the difference between a good show and a mega show, I think same applies to lighting.


I did actully do a large rock concert last summer, and halfway through an instrumental the lead singer of one band, actully said "give it up for the technicians".


which was nice :D

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I'm trying to get in to doing designs for my mates band but I'm getting no where.


From what I remember the ex technician at out local theatre always had lots of "rock lighting" generally 2 rows of 15 P64's. Havign a massive blast of light during sound of music was quite cool, in a stange way.

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Ah Ketil, been to the one at Potterrow, real nice set up.

Also if you were at the Bongo between Oct 03 and April 04 the rig had less lamps/fixtures. A new rig got set up when I just started, then I designed it all. There used to be only 12 PAR's DS for front lighting, now we have around 24 PAR's DS, US and sides. Mind you I always get bands whimpering about the heat of the PAR's. What do they expect though from 1K PAR's, of course its gonna get hot! (especially for a corner set stage)


Oh also with the board, sounds like you came across the Masterpiece 108. A nippy board to get started with and hard to explain to a 1st time user - like the random LX designers we get in every so often for small prod. shows, though its a real beauty and the programming is just so easy. Though I have to say I've spent a long time using that board, that when I came across a Fat Frog the other week ago, I really found it difficult to work it out!!!



Kid, I usually go for symmetry with lighting designs - everything looks even and will generally be seen as attractive. Back lighting is good for bands, red esecially or magenta. Open white can be good as well without any other colour on at the same time - gives a kinda steel, sharp, monotone appearance. Also, I recommend side lighting with minimal/no frontal open white. Having red or blue across a line of lead singers faces just looks amaizing.


***Oh got a great complicant from one band last week - they liked how I used Congo Blue on their faces at one point. They said it made them look 'bold'!? Obviously I think they were just trying too hard to impress me on their technical lingo***

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Scary story - This was a looooong time ago but won't go away :stagecrew:

I went to a panto in a local church hall. OK someone has to. Usual look at the ceiling, as you do, and notice - no that can't be right, look again - there's a Patt23 with a single core of bell wire coming out of it and leading to one of those plugs for bayonet cap lamp holders :blink: There were other things but that was the best (or worst)



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Yeah I always look at rigs ** laughs out loud **, my bf thinks im sad!


Theres a really drool worthy rig at liquid in luton.  Loads of white MACS, lazers, and about 10 data projectors on the white walls!


Heres a pic :: http://www.amina.co.uk/images/liquid%20nightclub1.gif




Its pretty much the same in the liquid in Jersey, doesn't seem to have much of an atmosphere when everything is white and the room is really bright all the time. Even in a 'black out' you can see the whole room clearly and see peoples faces on the other side of the room...[/rant]

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I have noticed that some of the former Warner Cinemas now 'Vue' have removed all the 'theatrical' lighting from the foyers. They had alot of Teatro stuff and some movers as well. In a couple of cinemas I been to all the truss and the IWB stuff is still up but no lighting rigged. It seems that they have changed to low maintenance sodium or florescent lighting instead


Same for me too, interesting. And.... well boring that they took them down.

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I don't know about most clubs, like the large spec'd ones you see in 'Night' magazine for eg, but I've noticed that some put in all the swanky gear (LED battons, larage amounts of moving heads, neon etc) but they haven't realised that the stuff has to be maintained. There's a few clubs I've seen where it's a nice rig but half the things don't work properly.
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there's a Patt23 with a single core of bell wire coming out of it and leading to one of those plugs for bayonet cap lamp holders


My school is in the process of throwing out some Patt. 23s, Patt. 60s, and Patt. S63s. We were getting the lighting in the hall taken down, and I happened to mention the word asbestos. The caretaker instantly said that they were being scrapped in that case.


A bit more on-topic, that rig at Liquid looks amazing. And it isn't that often that static images of something impress me either!

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I've done one band who insisted that they couldn't possibly play with bright lights in front of them. It came to the point where the lead singer stoped playing and insisted I come on stage, stand DSC and he pointed out Every Single FOH lanterns and asked me a: did I know they were on and b: how could he possibly play with those bright lights shining in his eyes. and c: can I turn all the FOH off now.


yeeesss, I've even been told by a couple of tour managers that the singer will come and punch me if such a thing happens...

I couldn't quite put 100% into those gigs.

I do like a little blackout occasionally when the band thanks the world and its dog and not the lampy - only if they've been ars3 though!


Quote fixed

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I've had bands where they want the minimalist as possible, so basically a few parcans at 30% will do them. Clubnights, I've had clubs wanting either 10% from 2 red parcans, just UV or complete B/O - and I really want to get my 12 movers in there!!!


Controller wise... I've seen many a place in Edinburgh using Fat Frogs, Bullfrogs, Q Commander and Light Jockey. I use a Masterpiece 108 (eek).

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yeeesss, I've even been told by a couple of tour managers that the singer will come and punch me if such a thing happens...

I couldn't quite put 100% into those gigs.

I do like a little blackout occasionally when the band thanks the world and its dog and not the lampy - only if they've been ars3 though!


Being tech crew is thankless work - anyone can tell you that. On LX - it's to bright here, too dark there, and after fiddling with a DFA fader, the problem is reversed. But LX is not alone. Noiseboys, SM, deck crew, all have it the same. ie - a 'performed' reading I did sound (both riding of faders and effects) and LX for, the actors worked for 2 days. I worked for over a week solid (plus the two days everyone else did) (ie I sourced and recorded over an hour and a half of sound effects and atmosphere, designed some basic projection, sourced equiptment etc.). Everyone but me was credited in the program, everyone was introduced at the end of the show, except me, and everyone got a token gift from the company, except me. Over time you come to accept these things and try not to become too bitter about it and just act as professional as you can. I like to think that I got them back by forwarding them the parking ticket I got because they forgot to tell the council my car was delivering equiptment, and hence allowed to be parked in a loading zone.

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what desks have people seen controlling lx in club rigs?


Pearl 2000s - virtually everywhere in Sheffield. We have one, and two Azures. I know a couple of places which have disasterpieces, and one which runs entirely on showmagic

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