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OK, The concert feed should be of the same content quality as your own programming. Balanced, or better Starquad cable will work for 500m. or get the network controller to give you priority over a network line. There's a broadcast engineering co called ALICE and also Partridge who may supply you a codec to send signal over networks, I've even seen codecs for mobile phone. Look into SBES show (sbes.com) There are loads of suppliers on their show list
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This is in a student union, isn't it?


Have a friendly word with the people in your University A/V and IT departments. You might be lucky and find someone that's prepared to help! Universities often have requirements to distribute audio and video around the campus - they may already have a solution that you can use.



I work in a University IT Networking department. I've got about 30 grands worth of kit to do precisely that. Some of it is used regularly - weekly if not daily - other bits only get taken out if their boxes once a year. Personally, I'd rather see it in service than sitting on a shelf!


A couple of years ago, we got an enquiry from our student radio people, asking for advice on something very similar - their studio was in the basement of one building, and the transmitter on the roof of another. Could we suggest a way of linking them.


Of course, it wasn't part of our "core business", so went to the bottom of the pile. But one of my colleagues was involved in community radio in the past, got interested and involved, and set up a link between the 2 sites using fibre and FM drivers. I think he ended up doing a few shows for them!


Since then, we've done loads of unusual stuff for the Student Union - the last one was setting up a video+audio 2way link between a 500 seat theatre and a 100seat lecture theatre, separated by about 10 miles, so that they could spread their AGM across the 2 campuses!


And, since we're nice people, we've not charged them for it - managed to put it down to training and staff development each time!



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Thanks bruce etc.,


I am currently following up a few leads regarding people who might know something from the dim and distant...


Once they have (or havent) replied, I shall speak to Information Services. I did a little 'survey' of Network Points today, and found very few around the building, except in computer areas - and most of the them were being used...


But whos to say that that there is not a duct with loads of the stuff hiding away. I am told that they added 2 more sockets in the studios recently, so I shall indeed be asking in the next week or so. There is no immediate rush - we just want to improve our service to the University etc.




P.S. Yes it is a Student Union - I am just slightly wary as they (Information Services) seem to get very odd when people suggest connecting an 'alien' computer to their network, without taking it over with their software first.

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P.S. Yes it is a Student Union - I am just slightly wary as they (Information Services) seem to get very odd when people suggest connecting an 'alien' computer to their network, without taking it over with their software first.


this is only to protect the network from viruses and hackers... most schools, colleges and universities do this is to perotect your data held on the servers... thouh there is nothin to stop you form havin a different partition with another installation of windows on with the network software...




PS. my h and g keys dont work, so I have to copy and paste them ** laughs out loud **

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