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more eBay fraud


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I've done just under 200 Ebay transactions, buying and selling. Cheapest item was 1p, dearest was about 500 quid. Touch wood, I have had no real problems (apart from one guy who sold me a pirate CD), and in some cases I have experienced a level of customer service which far exceeds that which I would expect.


I have also met (both face-to-face and virtually!) some genuinely nice people! Especially the guy who said "it's OK, don't worry about it" when I left my PC unattended for a few minutes, and my then-5-year-old daughter "bought" a bike :-)


Perhaps I have been lucky.


I try to push any expensive purchases thru paypal, cos you get some additional protection, and I'm always very wary when dealing with people who don't have decent feedback ratings. However, low (as opposed to poor) feedback isn't necessarily bad - everyone has to start somewhere.


I find that you get a "feeling" about certain ebay transactions. If it doesn't feel right, walk away. There will be another auction along in a minute!



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I've used them once and had no problems. A lot of the negs seem to be from people who just didn't read their T&Cs. No combining postage, and what seems a high postage. People whinge if they win a 1p item and get hit for £12 postage.


A lot of the kit that they are selling would be next to impossible to test without a studio to connect it to!

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If it was £3K lighting desk was buying, would either take a low cost air fare or a bit of a drive to pick it up from Cornwall.


While escrow.com is a genuine escrow company, be aware that fake escrow sites are a popular tool in the scammers box:




Try and pay by credit card funded Paypal, not from your Paypal balance. Paypal wil generally side with the buyer in a dispute because it can recover the cash from the sellers balance.


Problem being that Paypal will only get involved in non-delivery, for seller protection item must have some form of online tracking, but if the seller ships you a box of bricks rather than a Whole Hog , with tracking, Paypal will wash their hands of it. If its a CC funded payment you can recover the money via your CC company.


Have bought and sold a few hundred items on ebay to and from people all across the world and the vast majority of traders there are legitimate, taking care and sensible precautions and take a reality check on if its too good to be true....



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Problem being that Paypal will only get involved in non-delivery, for seller protection item must have some form of online tracking, but if the seller ships you a box of bricks rather than a Whole Hog , with tracking, Paypal will wash their hands of it.


My advice in this situation would be to ensure that the item will be shipped via a signed for on delivery service, and check the item before signing for it. ;)

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Hmm, what do you think of these people, they seem to have lots of negs - but at the same time lots of good feedback as well.


I've bought a number of items from them, I get the feeling they don't know what the stuff they sell actually is or does a lot of the time but they seem honest and 97.5% of the time they send you exactly what you bought,


however selling that much stuff you are going to #### it up nown again, where they fall down and therefore have a lot of -ve feedback is that when you point out a mistake they get agresive, abusive , nasty and just plain won't admit they are wrong. so good chance of getting a bargain, small chance of coming away unhappy after a long argument

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Guest lightnix

It may sound obvious, but just a general word of caution here: if you are going to collect valuable goods from someone you have never met , at a location they have named, where you are a stranger, especially when carrying cash or a banker's draft...




Take at least one, if not two, preferably large and imposing "friends" with you and get them to stand behind you with blank expressions on their faces while you are completing the transaction. If the seller gets all cagey, just explain that they are fellow crew members, to whom you are giving a lift to the next gig :o


:) No really, I mean it :o

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Right, this is getting a little over the top. If you doubt the intention of the seller tell eBay. I would suggest that some one let the police know that there seems to be a spate of these and someone may as well tell the chaps at the LSI and all the other regular publications to notify the local populations.

Ranting on here only warns a small group of people. Why not contact the manufactures to contact the seller, that seemed to work with the ETC stuff, willing to bet that they will think twice now that ETC has questioned them before they try to auction again. Well handled ETC, however what else would we expect from them.


Sorry but some of these posts just get too long! Someone move this tread elsewhere I am sure it is greater than Lighting now and more use to a bigger group. Apply some logic here!!



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VL1000 with no feedback. Any thoughts?



If you find out the serial number, I could find out who it was sold to.


I should point out that High End and Vari*lite are two separate companies, and there is no such product as a High End Vari*lite!


This Ebay sale is probably a US based unit, as we don't sell Ascot cases in Europe (we use Amptown).


The list price of a VL1000AS is ~£4500.



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