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Bugsy Malone Splurge Guns

Out in the sticks

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Try your local joke/party shop or online. You're looking for 'avalanche spray'; you can get a plastic gun to fit the spray into. Some places have them for hire.

Yes we did that show a few years back, and the spray can idea is what we used. It certainly works...but it isn't half messy. Try to keep it off the blacks too! (awkward to remove properly).


Oh and expect it to provide much amuzement for the cast backstage....need I say any more!



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Have a look at this topic:



Perosnally I have never seen a Gun that avalanche spray can fit into for general sale in Joke Shops, there is a place in Birmingham that hires them (name currently escapes me!! Will get back to you if I remember!)


When I did it we had out Props team make guns. They worked using a bycicle pump. It was discreatly placed inside a big gun an a special attachment was made on the end so it would fit to avalanche spray. The cast would load up their guns offstage by pulling the pump back and fire onstage by pushing it forward. Unfortunetly that is all I know but it worked very well!!



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Last time this was discussed on the ABTT forum an outfit near Portsmouth called Showshop said they had a set for hire.


You can contact them via PM or email on the ABTT forum - username 'showshop'

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This takes me back.....

Did a school production once (must have been nearly 20 years ago) of Bugsy Malone. The wood/metal/anythingInvolvingPowerTools-work teacher spent weeks crafting fake guns that held the canisters (with working mechanisms and everything). Very good units, but I think most went home with the cast, except for the one he said he'd hang above his fireplace :)

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When we did it this year, we used bubble guns - except we had three different sized bubble cannisters, and only two of the sizes would fit - we had two different makes.


We also used shaving foam custard pies on paper plates. How slippery was the floor each night - especially as it had been coatedin dilute PVA and washed on a nightly basis


:) Dan ;)

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When we did it we made the guns from wood, and then attached a metlal barrel, which was drilled though to make hollow, we then fed a tube through which then came out and fitted onto a canister of avalanche spray. The canister was concealed in a wooden holder that was made into the but of the gun, so from the front you couldnt see it, the actor then pressed the can as normal, firing the foam everywhere.


Worked very well and we still have the guns somewhere.


Word of warning, DO NO USE shaving foam for anything other than shaving.


some smart arse tried it in our production, and a left a poor little girl half blind for the whole second act, it burns like hell.


depending on where you get the scripts from, the ones we hired had instuctions in the front on how to make the guns.



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  • 1 month later...

My childrens' school production of Bugsy opens on Monday night!

I have built 8 splurge guns based on the design by Paul Young, posted on Bob Dickason's site: http://www.bobdickason.com/pr_realworld/sp...lurge_paul.html


This gun hid a can of Avalanche (from http://www.smiffys.com - go to the "Stockists" page and you can order online) in the magazine and used a lever arrangement from the trigger to the button on the can.


I modified the design to use a linkage and cam arrangement, and found that the cans are a perfect fit in a "Pringles" tube which forms the magazine of our guns.


After 2 dress rehearsals in front of the school, we have 8 nearly-empty cans. Kids will be kids and they went rather mad the first time. Make sure you get plenty of ammunition in stock!


When the show is over and I am no longer doing running repairs, I will get the design written up and posted at least on my own site, possibly elsewhere. When it's up I'll post a link here.


BTW I built all 8 guns for about £20, but the Avalanche foam costs about £3 per can, so the running costs are rather high.



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