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DMX Colour Changer... LED or traditional Lamp?


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RGB aint great at lighting faces, what about RGBW, with the white in there, it allows you to create some nice pastels, that would be more suitable for lighting people? (Still would go with Fresnels, but its an option)
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My understanding of the OP is that they were quite well equipped with generics for face lighting, but wanted to purchase some LED lanterns for colour wash, to reduce the need to change gels often.


Are we perhaps drifting off topic with this talk of needing to purchase LED's that can achieve pastel tones? Not saying it's a bad debate, but just a little irrelevant? :)


Perhaps we should wait for the OP to clarify, or indeed digest and respond to this topic.



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Can I admit to being thick and ask dbuckley to exaplain the coloured bands.I've lost the plot and don't quite understand what I'm looking at?


The OP has a nice stock of quite decent kit, and the only real snag is brightness.


I have the row of 12 LED parcans lighting the cyc,and to even them up, they have some light frost in. It means the cyc is evenly lit.It's just not bright.I bought a dozen varytec led bars and for curiosity stuck them on the front edge of the stage and from 10m they light the cyc brighter than the par56s. They look quite good pointed towards the audience - because they're not that bright! I've been doing a video project with led white panels,and I'm quite impressed with them. I wonder what they're like with a bit of gel on the front? Never got a chance to try.

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... ask dbuckley to exaplain the coloured bands.


The brighter LED pars are only just equivelent to a 500w incandesant.


I disagree. Maybe if you compare both in open white, but in saturated colours you'll probably find that they vastly outperform your 500w incandescent source.


Hence my piccies. Not a guess, not a maybe or probably, but actual pictures of a comparison. One end of the strip is LED, the other is gelled frez. The first two are an LED and an Acclaim frez gelled, and I've attempted to make the LED match the gel colour. Its a while ago I did this comparison (9 months ago maybe?) so I've forgotten the actual gel colours.


What the pictures show are that LEDs don't just keep up with a gelled 500W, they give a really good 650W frez (as bright as an older 1K) a run for its money. And these aren't "brighter LEDs"; these are low cost Chinese specimens, albeit with tricolour LEDs.


So, if the question is colour (as opposed to "tint") then LEDs (even low cost LEDs) can be an excellent answer today.

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Thanks for all the replies http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif. I am mainly getting these new lights just to add colour washes to the stage, the main lighting is already covered with the stock that I already have.

I had to make the decision by Friday just gone as my line manager was going off on maternity leave, so last thing on Friday she gave the go ahead and ordered 4 of these http://www.thomann.de/gb/eurolite_led_ml56_qcl_rgbwrgba_18x8w.htm and this http://www.thomann.de/gb/stairville_led_bar_252_4pcs_bundle.htm and also a star cloth for the main hall.


I will make a video when they arrive and do a comparison between LED and the lights I already have.


Thank you for all the help http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

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