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Digital Audio Console..


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I've just skim read this topic from Page 1.. and I still don't know what your creating and trying to develop. Your grammar and style of writing is frankly confusing and makes absolutely no logical sense. I know I'm not the only one that's only been confused by this topic, you're making something that uses software and hardware you can buy out of a box and sticking it together.. so what? It's less than an LS9-16 would cost, but even you don't know what your actually making.


It's a pointless topic, and in my personal opinion, a pointless project too. You might want to brush up on your grammar, and learn to read and re-phrase things which don't make sense!

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Perhaps a little understanding is called for.. the OP states " I am a French English bilingual" . Also, the SAC's strength is its ability to be be flexibly configured with relativey low cost hardware (e.g. a load of older laptops could be used to give each musician in a church music group control of their own monitor mix).

Whilst this may appeal to some, it does not address many of the concerns that we would raise from a propfessional production viewpoint - hence the understandably guarded response seen here. That doesn't mean that SAC approach isn't valid , or a hardware controller (the lack of which is often the bigest gripe from SAC users) isn't useful. It probably won't fit our needs or method of working though.







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Perhaps a little understanding is called for.. the OP states " I am a French English bilingual" . Also, the SAC's strength is its ability to be be flexibly configured with relativey low cost hardware (e.g. a load of older laptops could be used to give each musician in a church music group control of their own monitor mix).

Whilst this may appeal to some, it does not address many of the concerns that we would raise from a propfessional production viewpoint - hence the understandably guarded response seen here. That doesn't mean that SAC approach isn't valid , or a hardware controller (the lack of which is often the bigest gripe from SAC users) isn't useful. It probably won't fit our needs or method of working though.








Thank you very much indeed. Very well put.


More hand one.. I have been running my system for a while now and it is great. better than anything I've experienced in audio. this is what I really wanted to share after all!!


I've just skim read this topic from Page 1.. and I still don't know what your creating and trying to develop. Your grammar and style of writing is frankly confusing and makes absolutely no logical sense. I know I'm not the only one that's only been confused by this topic, you're making something that uses software and hardware you can buy out of a box and sticking it together.. so what? It's less than an LS9-16 would cost, but even you don't know what your actually making.


It's a pointless topic, and in my personal opinion, a pointless project too. You might want to brush up on your grammar, and learn to read and re-phrase things which don't make sense!



Do you actually think you deserve my attention with your comment...umm.. lets think!!...

If it was properly put I guess I'd agree with you but right now I am fed up to respond to arrogant ..... .

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I have been running my system for a while now and it is great. better than anything I've experienced in audio. this is what I really wanted to share after all!!

What other (digital) consoles have you experienced?


Yamaha PM5D? O3D? LS9?

Digidesign Profile? Venue? D-Show48?

Midas Pro Series?

Allen and Heath I-Live?

Presonus Studiolive?

Cadac S-Digital?

Soundcraft Si and Vi series?

Mackie TT24?


Genuine question and genuinely interested in your answer (I.e, not a wind up.)



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ok if I've read this topic correctly it reads like this:


Hi I'm Martial I'm an electronics and audio enthusiast. While browsing the web I found a really great piece of software called Software Audio Console. I really liked this bit of software but I hated using the mouse to try and mix anything so I went out and bought a little behringer controller... That looked a bit untidy and I've been known to be pretty handy in the old woodshed so I decided to make a nice frame to mount the controller, pc, pres etc in. If you like what I've done I could build you one too.


I apreciate the effort you've put in and I also apreciate that you want feedback from other SAC users or potential users but in reality there is no product on display here just an example of some carpentry (incidently the guitar cab on your myspace is a much nicer example)


Other people have done similar things before in audio, video and lighting you are not the first and you certainly wont be the last.

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ok if I've read this topic correctly it reads like this:


.......ndy in the old woodshed so I decided to make a nice frame to mount the controller, pc, pres etc in. If you like what I've done I could build you one too.


I apreciate the effort you've put in and I also apreciate that you want feedback from other SAC users or potential users but in reality there is no product on display here just an example of some carpentry...


Other people have done similar things before in audio, video and lighting you are not the first and you certainly wont be the last.


And?? I not sure I get it?


Anyway.. I have great feedback when people see it for real and experience the result. so hands on is relevant to me.

All I can say at this stage is that it does not replace any other products. it is a one off. therefore useless for most.


In many applications SAC alone with the lightest set up possible could be a very good standard.

and in itself it is worth promoting if nothing else.


So I had the wrong approach from the start but it is still a good set up no matter what you all think..


And for SAC users you do know how messy it actually is and in the biginning how long it took you to actually set it all up until you could feel comfortable Live with it..

So for that I thing I propose a simple solution quick enough to set up and understand..but never mind..


I like it if someone out there could give me a tip on how to have this post removed and my membership cancelled cos I cannot find anything in my profil to do so. I have other things to do than reading and actually feel compelled to reply every time to that. I've learn a lot but not about gears and good topics on this so I want out!

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Marti - to leave, simply stop posting. The posts, however remain here and visible. That's how the forum works. People spend time answering your questions, asking you questions (which you always sweep to one side, I note) and to remove those would be unfair - so we don't do it. We can easily stop you logging in, but you can do that yourself by not responding.


I think we have realised that you like SAC (despite agreeing it's a bit messy) and that is 100% OK. It's your opinion and we can live with that and respect your choice. What people are trying to work out is your contribution - which is the box, screen and controller. Thousands of people produce housings for their own favourite equipment. I've just put a rack mount PC, a touch screen and a bit of free software into a home made rack to use as a sound effects play out machine. I can't market it or sing it's praises because it's a PC in a box with a few gadgets to make it easy to use.


Towards the end, people were asking you what hardware you've had experience of because, and it's quite obvious, you may have missed out on really different ways of operating sound that could be better and easier to use than SAC. Please note that nobody, as far as I can see, has said SAC is a poor product - but they are very sceptical that it is better than those items on the list. With the advent of the expected cheap digital mixers shortly, their point, if I have understood it correctly, is that you are promoting something as 10 out of 10 when it score less against some other available products. You avoid answering any question on this matter - If you had responded with some facts, perhaps we could have understood better. SAC is lacking some features people who use dedicated digital desks would really miss. You, as the expert in SAC are the ideal person to explain it, but you refuse?


This is the reason I dropped out of the topic - you simply were unwilling/unable to answer what I thought were very basic questions.


Best wishes with the project.



Please don't leave - we really do want to understand, but are very frustrated.

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