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Fete Kit List

Tom Lovick

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That cable channeling is fine for offices and indoors - especially if you can tape it down - but outdoors it tends to be pretty ineffective.


Some nice wide rubber mats are far less likely to get twisted up by people's feet.

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I've got several to do this summer, and I'd just add - if you are have speakers 'spread around the site' then you'll need rubber matting or other stuff to cover speaker runs. One careless trip and a speaker tripod topples, with a child underneath.


You could always just leave a bit of slack at the bottom of the speaker...

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I've got several to do this summer, and I'd just add - if you are have speakers 'spread around the site' then you'll need rubber matting or other stuff to cover speaker runs. One careless trip and a speaker tripod topples, with a child underneath.


You could always just leave a bit of slack at the bottom of the speaker...


Or take your lawn edge tool to cut a slot in the turf to bury it ( Acknowledgement to V.Capel ).

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Or take your lawn edge tool to cut a slot in the turf to bury it ( Acknowledgement to V.Capel ).


But not if you've pinned your twisted twin with map pins :rolleyes:






Some screw-in tent anchors mean speaker stands can be tied down to the ground



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I'm not providing a PA system for a large event!! Only a church fete!!


No dodgy burger vans, all the food is provided by the church :P


Its the stuff like this that I am looking for:

Several copies of the RA. Supplies of food and drinking water for rig and derig - the burger van will be gone long before you are and even in June dehydration can be a problem. Sunblock (you never know....) Something to keep your tarpaulin wrapped 13A connectors off the waterlogged ground (or some IP6/7 connectors) Moist toilet wipes/loo roll/hand sanitiser/babywipes (if it's portaloos) Umbrella. A handful of cheap disposable waterproof plastic ponchos for the crew. Camera - take reference pictures of the rig in case you get the gig again. 40mA 40mS RCD - unless you trust the venue power supply to have a properly working one. Putting two in series won't do any harm. Sharp edged spade - cutting into the turf to tuck cables underground may be necessary in places. <br class="Apple-interchange-newline">


But yet again you have not said what you are personally responsible for, and what services you are contracted to provide.


Until you do this, then no-one on this forum can give you realistic accurate advice.

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