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Drum Risers?


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Any body good any ideas on drum risers? I am putting a light/pyro/sound effects show together for local band to use for pub small club gigs?


Has any one got any ideas about how I can make say a 10" x 10" riser, it has to be easy to errect, safe, and quick to take down. It must be foldupable ish? (if there is such a word).........


Or has anybody got on to sell? may well travell for the right one.......


Any ideas would be helpful.




Edit: Caps removed from title.

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thanks for that link, that is exactly the staging system I have looking for, was going to build some, but like most non essential tasks I never got round to it, and the best thing is they are only 3 miles up the road from me so I can go and check the stuff out :** laughs out loud **:
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  • 1 year later...

To bring up this thread again,


My band are currently using a drum riser made purely of ply in which the lids come off and the bases fold together. its very sturdy, but extremely heavy and after a change of drummer with a few more items of percussion, its not big enough.


Unlike many drum risers this one only really needs to be 6ft in width and about 8ft deep (max). It only needs to be a foot high if not a little less.


I need to keep this lightweight, and even more importantly it needs to be compact, something that takes apart without too much effort would be nice. I'm fairly handy with such complicated tools as a saw, pencil and ruler, so I don't mind making the top parts and attaching some form of detachable feet to it which could then go in a flightcase with their fittings. (this was a bit of an idea suggested to me). It needs to stand the weight of a kit and the drummer, it needs to be stable but movement is restricted to the style of Ringo Starr. :blink:

It certainly doesn't need wheels or anything like that, and as you can see on the photo's on the website, we have a cloth that fits over the front so its construction is not important.


What is important is that it doesn't cost the earth (hence the saw pencil and ruler approach) and its size when packed away, ideally I'd like to be able to store it in the van and be able to work around it when it is not required.



I've had a bit of a look around on the internet for such things, and seen a few different ideas, I would however like some opinions of people who use these types of things, NOT those of people who sell them, which is why I am here :o


That's not a dig at anyone who sells them,




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Im not sure if its been phased out because of fire hazard etc but you could get woodden ones with wooden tops.



I think if this was the case we wouldn't be seeing much in the way of scenery in our theatres....


so long as timber (whether in sheet form as in plywood rostra tops, or as battens or planks) conforms to certain standards, then it's perfectly acceptable to use for temporary staging. Of course, there may be other perfectly good reasons for not using it (loadbearing properties, strength to weight ratio, harder to make than steel frames, etc)

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