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You're right Paul, I do sometimes think people's brains are wiped by some kind of strange and unknown field being projected by a microphone:


Me: OK, I've got your mic live - do you want to give me some speech please?


Them: Errr...


Me: Anything will do - go on!


Them: Errr...


Me: what about the song you do?


Them: Errr... Can't remember it!


Is how my soundchecks usually start!


However, today my ever cheerful postie delivered - a CD from SF with all of the scene change music on, scene changes, R&B Jerusalem, everything. Once they got their head around the issue, SF were very helpful, and I'd like to publicly thank Lucy@SF for her help in getting it sorted!


(As an aside, the scene change MP3 on the site leebaxy mentioned is the same as the CD, bears no relation to the sheet music)


Thanks to everyone for your help - I've got two more pre-records to do then I can start programming into Q-Lab - but that's another topic!

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