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Thanks Grum, although I understand what a sine wave is and how it works mathematically. I just hadn't been aware of the width control before.

You seem to be saying it turns it into more of a square wave, is that correct? I actually created a square wave effect to do this previously, and couldn't work out why there wasn't one natively, but now it seems like I've found out why - it's just a variation on the sine wave.

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The width is a bit of a curve ball because the speed control would do the same thing when you look at it on a graph and to say it creates a square wave isn't right either as you still get a nice dim what the width does is reduce the number of lights that are on at the same time. Picture a row of ten lamps with a sine wave running across them. You'll get a fairly large group of them at almost 100%. The width control reduces this to maybe only one lamp at 100% making the wave a bit more of a chase without affecting the dimming part of the FX or the speed. Think of it like this:


The spread dictates how many waves in the FX

The width controls how steep the curve of the wave is

The speed controls how long the wave takes to get from one end of the group to the other.



Yeah, that's the problem with software that's constantly under development, you've got to try and keep up with it.

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Yep, on my desktop install there is no width control.

I'll get the latest version and read the release notes.


edit: ok, from the release notes it came in from but only on certain pulse effects...

Support for Pulse width effects (width parameter specifies with of the pulse). The inbuilt FX,

pulse, ramp, dimmer chase, iris chase have all been modified to support Pulse Width. Pulse

Width appears on Encoder C.


Which would explain why I couldn't find it on a sine fx


If it really is pulse width then it should make the wave more square if it doesn't actually speed up the frequency. It means the rise and fall times are faster because they happen over a shorter period of time, even though the overall distance from peak to peak remains the same.

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