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Late work - taxi home?


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I would recommend a quick chat to your local CAB office or a phone cal to ACAS.


Both will provide an unbiased view point and will give you the wording to write to your employer regarding the situation.


If they think you are not eligible for a refund then they will say so.


It's worth the 30mins to check who is in the right before taking the matter further.

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I know this is a bit of an old topic now, but just to add, that if the person in question is an employee, and the venue is part of the BECTU/TMA agreement, then they are obliged to provide transport



Late Night Travel/Arranged Transport for Employees

In the event of an employee being unable to catch their last public transport the

Manager shall: arrange or pay for transport to their place of residence arrange to pay for suitable transport to and/or from their place of residence

when public transport is not available eg: Sundays or Public Holidays use his best endeavours to ensure that any taxis provided by him arrives

within thirty minutes of the end of the call. Where taxis are provided by

the Manager, they must be used within these thirty minutes.


edit: reading the other posts properly, this wouldnt apply to the event in question, but its still useful to know

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If your given a taxi it is a perk that unless it part of your offer of employment you have no right to have so if you are given it you have a very nice employer just like food given. If you have set hrs of work they cant force you to stay late if it past your cut of point. If you cant get home from a job that a matter of did you think of this when you went for the role. I like being freelance as I can get use my travel as a cost but if your employed you cant so lose the taxi fare plus are taxed on it.
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In this example, I suspect this is a local decision by the manager, made without checking policy. As the manager, he should have planned for the over-run, and effectively stranding staff is not acceptable, think of the fuss in the papers if the member of staff had no money, was female, and was 'made' to walk home, through areas with switched off street lighting, and an incident happened? ~You can imagine how the red tops would spin the story. It's worth asking what the manager would prefer next time? Stopping the show, going home before the end ..... or what? I'd guess that there may be no contractual right to transport, but duty of care doesn't end as you walk out of the door.
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