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splitting line level signals on the cheap


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If you are sending feeds to other people, especially at temporary events where the genny earthing arrangement might not be ideal, then some sort of buffering is a good idea. An earth lifted isolating transformer like a passive DI box can save a lot of heartache. I once spent a rigging day at an OB where the stage equipment earth was found to be well over a hundred volts different to the OB truck and links between the truck and the PA provider were, um, problematical. Policy was always to electrically isolate feeds to and from other organisations with earth lifted and electrostatically shielded transformers.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I agree that 10 should not be a problem, so long as there are no bad cables or unbalanced inputs. You can put resistors in series with each split to offer some isolation from a problem split - the insertion loss will be minimal.
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