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Screen Monkey and DMX.


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The ion should have a screen monkey personality ready to patch.

Well, Blow me!!


So it does!!


Just looking at the OLE and there it is - slightly new ground again for a fixture map, as there are choices under the option for SM there for Master, Audio, Color and Layer, so I guess that means I just patch up to all 4 of those options, as needed for what I need to use...


Only thing to watch is how many channels it swallows up. With all the LED kit we now have, plus more (hopefully) to come soon, we're eating into the overall 2 standard universes on the Ion. Some serious rethinking of the patching around the desk may well be called for :o


That was a surprise. :)







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The key to patching this sort of thing, for Tony and others new to this area, is that different parts of a server "fixture" often have distinct prolies/personalities which get added to the patch as required. So, a master/main layer, n number of layers etc patched as you need.


Each thing has obviously got it's own start address which is usually adjustable in the server and by default the different bits have some kind of order (main, layer 1, layer 2....) So if you use default next free addresses to patch to, make sure you patch the bits in the right order.


Some profiles / personalities sort this by having main and a defined number of layers, ready to patch as one unit.


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In the case of SM as far as I know you can't change the order and the offsets for the various parts are defined by one start address. However, you can disable parts by double-clicking on them in the Art-Net filters and presumably patch other fixtures into the gaps as required.
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Progress of sorts...The ion is talking to SM, but something is not quite right.Can only drive the very first clip on layer 1 at the moment, and not actually by hitting the PLAY option on the fixture on the desk...

What I could really do with is some sort of manual for SM... Haven't been able to find anything online as yet.

Another problem is that despite setting the channel option on the fixture I can't actually get anything to output from the PC... Which is odd.


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How well do you know screen monkey, driving it from the PC? It's easier to operate from the desk once you have a clear understanding of what you are controlling built up from driving it locally.

Have you got your layers configured and mapped to an output? I think it's called a screen personality, configured from a little button about halfway down the right hand side of the control screen.

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You shouldn't have setup anything really.


Here is the test I just did with SM 3.7 PC hooked up to Avo Pearl Expert:


- Launch SM

- Start new file on SM and new show on console.


- Assign Art-Net universe to line (Avo specific)

- Patch 1x Master at DMX 001

- Patch 1x Audio at DMX 003

- Patch 1x Layer at DMX 009

(only the layer should really be necessary)


- In SM click on the empty clip immediately to the right of the big 'X'

- Select Test Card. Ok

- Select SMPTE. Ok

- Select next empty clip slot and assign a different test card.


- On Console select layer and locate

- Find 'Playback' attribute and select 'Play Clip' function.


= Outputs first clip


- On Console change to next clip via 'Clip Select' attribute.


= Outputs next clip


- On Conolse Set 'Playback' to Clear Layer function


= Output ends

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Hmmm...Looking closer at what you posted, Nic, that's pretty much what I was doing, but still having problems. The Ion is talking to SM, but not with any sign of controlling the clips properly.There just doesn't seem to be any logic to what it is and isn't doing, though I can at least now select the clips, but they won't play when the PLAY control is hit.

I have managed to get some play on a clip by random clicking around the options, but even then the video played for a few seconds then flicked off and on again, so hardly satisfactory.



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Sounds like an issue with the Ion personality, the default channel values or both. If I was having this problem with another desk I would force a Locate / Home etc. to check that there wasnt a stray channel value causing havoc (like "play a bit, then stop" kinda thing). This may be one of those times when you are the one finding an issue with the profile / channel mapping.


Unless anyone here has managed to get SM to work on an Eos family desk, then those of us on different desks can only confirm that SM is fine for us.


Check versions and, if you can, the mapping of the profile along with idiot checks on addressing etc.

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Yep. Got that printed out the other day.


Even tried patching the channels 1-1 and manually trying to fire the controls manually, but that didn't work at all!!


It could well be a case of maybe not having one specific channel set somewhere, or having one set to the wrong value that's pulling others out of kilter...


HAS to be something simple.






ACN and CITP were mentioned earlier in this topic (both of which still out of my experience) but would be worth looking at trying to control via one or other of these as an alternative?







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CITP is not a control protocol as such. I don't see any point in pursuing different protocols as they will all still rely on the same personality. If you've got some control then you know Art-Net is working. The problem must lie in the personality, almost certainly the 'default' values as has already been suggested.


Give me a while and I'll post a list of these values.

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