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Screen Monkey and DMX.


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Here are screenshots of raw DMX values that work for me:


The first is all values of layer 1 to play clip 0. This is assuming you have started from DMX 001 which means, after master and audio this starts at DMX 009.

The second shows the change that would output clip 1.

The third shows the change to clear output.


Obviously not all the values are vital to output and there is likely to be some flexibility on some of the functions due to the way Titan deals with fixed values, but these ones definitely work.


Note that the output you actually see is going to depend on whether the output is set to DMX or manual. However, you should always see the clip select on the SM screen regardless. So there should be a yellow box around clip 0 for first image, around clip 1 for second and around 'X' for third.




change to clip 1:







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I've just had a quick play with MagicQ and ScreenMonkey to see if I could remember how to make that combination work. One oddity I've discovered (which may be unique to my setup) is that if I have more than one artnet universe enabled in MagicQ, Screenmonkey behaves very strangely, like it's receiving lots of random values, and perhaps significantly, will only output the first clip. The CPU also maxes out. Disabling artnet universes that aren't being used results in it behaving normally.

Channel 10 (for layer 1) is the one to look at the default value of in the personality - if it defaults to 0 (clear layer), nothing will work.

I recall having to make a new display profile back when I first tried this out as the built-in primary / secondary fullscreen ones didn't appear to work properly when controlled by artnet. I never did find out why as mine didn't appear to be any different.

Hopefully that's a couple of other possibilities you can look at.

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Channel 10 (for layer 1) is the one to look at the default value of in the personality - if it defaults to 0 (clear layer), nothing will work.

Clear layer is the correct default for the playback attribute. You wouldn't normally want it to immediately start playing a clip.

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Interesting. More often than not, I use screenmonkey stand-alone rather than controlled by a desk. Like that, clear layer and having a clip selected are mutually exclusive - you select a clip in order to display it and only use clear clip to remove clips from display. Based on that logic, when using artnet, I've always just selected a clip in order to play it. Perhaps time for some more experimentation.
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