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Why do you need to have a dimmer channel per socket? A more flexible solution would be a patch bay and then wire the sockets to the dimmers as they are needed? Just because you have more than 48 sockets doesn't mean you will need to use them all in the same show?
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The comment about switching for the hard power outlets is critical. The new build college near me cannot rig their movers because the power is permanently on - the mcbs being in a locked room (because it has electrical things in it) that the staff have no access to! Sounds obvious - but not to everyone!
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Why do you need to have a dimmer channel per socket? A more flexible solution would be a patch bay


There is a school of thought that says that a dimmer per socket is more economic to install than a patch bay solution.

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The 9M single FOH bar is to short, you need to hit the turn stood at the front corner of the apron at 45 deg. from both sides, so you need longer ends. The other way would be vertical booms on the walls, but they will not get round the prosc.. Think carefully about height of bars compared to distance from the stage, A flat angle looks flat, casts shadows on the cyc. and because the apron light spills upstage where the No1 bar adds to the light level the stage is always brighter and the apron is always darker! It is possible that the end of the C will be flatish.


Total guess rough figures, the single bar will be the main source of light for turns standing from 1M upstage of No 1 to about the edge of the stage proper, consider the "8M "text as centre of this area . The new bar is drawn about 2.35M downstage, Light needs to arrive ~ 50 deg. elevation, allow for lighting from 45 deg in plan, gives a plan beam length of ~3.30 , so the luminare centre needs to be about 3.3M above head height above stage height!! add ~ 0.5M for luminaire and hook clamp and that might be bar height. . You to consider the shadow from the underside of the procs. Repeat this for the end of the C, you will probably find the end needs to be much higher than the sides for hall floor performances.


An easier way is to stand on the stage and work out where 45 deg. above and to the side is, walk round the most lightly acting places.


Agree with others more sockets needed, and if there is ever any serious dance you will regret cutting the floor outlets. Compromise might be 4 on the far side and take the other 4 direct from the dimmers / patch, if you are switching / MCB the 16A power you should have some of the same at ground level, will give you all control in one place.

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13 amp sockets are not much used for proper theatre, but I would still install just a few, perhaps one at each end of each bar.

A lot of cheaper or d0m3stic or disco type stuff comes with 13 amp plugs and having a few sockets saves adaptors. Think of projectors, mirror balls, disco lights, Christmas lights and the like. Such outlets should be switched from ground level but not dimmed.


Also provide plenty of 16 amp ceeform hard power outlets as LEDs even if not much used initialy are likely to be more demanded in future.

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I always cut the plugs off 13amp plugs and wack on a 16amp unless there the rubber type as there not touring grade so they break to easy and people are temped to use bent plugs.
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