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Another stage collapse


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com·mit·ted, com·mit·ting, com·mits. v.tr.

1. To do, perform, or perpetrate.

2. To put in trust or charge; entrust.

3. To pledge or obligate one's own self.

4. To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a mental health facility.

....as soon as humanly possible.

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Their website really is a horror show. I was particularly struck by this photo, where the rear scrim is billowing out. They've evidently constructed a large sail, and I'm really doubtful as to how much lateral force the Genie lifts are designed to cope with...





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a few years ago when you could get away with it, rigging truss on genie lifts was a scary process and that was indoors. Genie lifts/roofs and outdoors is down right suicidal. no one in there right mind should be doing this. they are completely the wrong tool for the job.
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Big European trailer stage, towable by 4WD, light as a feather with no kentledge and a humongous sail, flown PA making it top heavy sited on a promenade raised above a windswept beach? Yup, clever as.

In my opinion quite functional in winds of less than 10mph but nothing much above that.


Be aware that many, particularly Eastern, European made trailer stages are utterly unusable in the UK. There was a glut of cheapo ones about five/ten years back and a few people got stung. They are disastrous, be careful what you buy or hire. Reputable UK staging companies will not touch them with somebody else's bargepole let alone their own.

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