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Theatre scripts -ipad? Paper?


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I'm right handed but I do it the opposite way to you...script on right, my notes etc. on the left.


For people who are wondering what we're on about...


if you print your script as I have described, you can write notes on the blank page without obscuring the script itself, so that you can continue to follow the script whilst making notes. If you are left-handed you print on the other faces so that you can continue to do the same.

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I'm a paper script man, all the way. My collection of highlighter pens and felt tips always causes great amusement and I've been nicknamed "Chris and his amazing technicolor sound script" before, but I never have problems finding where we are! I also use coloured page markers sticking out from the side of the pages so I can see roughly how many pages away something big is (like the interval!). The one big down side of an electronic script for me is the lack of awareness of just where in the show you actually are. Paper scripts have a nice habit of getting thinner as you get nearer home time!


One of my big gripes about console layout (sound) is the lack of somewhere to put your script. Yamaha's CL's are the exception, and the LS9 had that nice dip to the left of the screen where a script holder could go. I particularly find the Soundcraft digital consoles hard work - the high back means your script is off to one side, not in front of you. In the line of work I normally do it's all mixed live off script, so it needs to be directly in front of you or at least in easy access. I've recently bought a vesa arm and attached a perspex music stand to it so I've got an easy to move and clamp arm with my script on it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I find I cant beat paper scripts for tech notes, especially for sound and lighting. I havent yet come across any ipad app that will allow quick, legable and editable annotations that are of use in preping tech script... but to sing the ipads prases in other areas I have found a lovely little app for smallscale show sound op - (FX Live) cheap, very functional and useful in layering background ques, spot effects and timed fades.










Was wondering if anyone has/is using and iPad or tablet for scripts in theatre shows? Mainly for a sound desk. But I guess why not any other desk.

What apps? Simple pdf reader? Specific app?

Or do you still use paper coppies?



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I love technology, and I have the worst handwriting in the world - but apart from maybe a running order, with track numbers, or notes, if the show has a script, then I do it the proper way, because it's the simplest, the best, only requires one hand to use, and if necessary you can write on it while keeping your eyes on the stage - which is impossible to do with electronic gadgets. I always keep scripts updated on computer in rehearsals, but once that's done, all the SMs I work with print out, hole punch and arrange in the book. A physical product is also the only secure system. You can back up your electronic version, but if the machine fails, the show is lost. Unless the hard copy has a bucket of water dropped onto it, it is safe. If you need your book cover to take over, anyone can read printed words, not the case with electronics.
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