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Yes all versions can use a solid state drives you can turn off some of the features but just make sure defrag is turned off which is windows 7 defaults on in a schedule as it kills the drives. But the newer dives the write cycles are massive compared to when they first came out
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I would also carefully check the memory and SSD for errors using specialist software. I recently built a machine with top quality memory, but one still has an intermittent error and kept blue screening the PC.


Also go back to basics and check things like

- Are prefetch, defender, Windows Update and search index all disabled?

- Is the pagefile large enough (Ram size x 2) and well placed on the disk?

- Is the SSD up to the task running as a multiple partition?

- Is the PSU big enough and stable enough?

- What services are automatically starting?


If that doesn't reap rewards then load performance monitor (or was it still performance management in 7?) and start trapping various parts of the system while running Qlab etc. That will highlight any bottlenecks in your configuration that you can then deal with.


All a lot easier than starting from scratch with an application on a new platform.

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I'd also check the sound hardware - what are you using as your sound I/O device? Goes without saying that basic games blaster type sound devices don't really cut it when you start pushing things, but I'd guess you have a decent dedicated sound device already, yes?
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