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Best powered system - budget no object


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Qsc k12's and qsc ksubs...

...(Sound quite similar to the d&b I use the q1's, q subs and b2's)


The QSC K powered kit are a good sounding box, but you can't compare them to d&b Q with B2s !

They're two totally different animals.


If you have to do the "vs d&b" comparison, then look at E8, E12, E12X-SUB. It's still not really apples vs apples, but at least you're comparing fruit.

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The best I have ever heard was the Meyer UPA's and the same family 500 HP subs. If money is truly no object, these are the best I have personally ever heard.


Now, I actually OWN a pair of DSR112's over a pair of PRX618S-XLF's.


It is my opinion that the DSR118 sub simply isn't in the same league as the XLF is. The relatively high cross-over in the XLF (90 Hz) also works to the outstanding LF capabilities on the DSR tops.


Since I don't own a Meyer system and haven't A/B'd them, I can't absolutely state that if I actually had the money, that I wouldn't buy the Meyer system. What I can say is that the only system locally I have heard that compares to my FOH speaker system is a group that uses a pair of SRX715's over a pair of SRX728's. They definitely have me on max output and bottom end and would simply squash me outside, but for the clubs I play (usually <300 people inside), I wouldn't trade my system for theirs. Too much weight and fuss to setup and tear down.


Many people are opposed to mixing and matching subs and tops from different OEM's. I really wanted to like the PRX612m's (which are still a pretty good powered speaker by any measure), but the clarity and punch of the DSR112's was simply undeniable.


Good luck with your decision.

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I know I'm blowing my own trumpet here but you really should check out the V-Array system from Dynacord. Ideal for a Function Band, I should know as I use one with my own function band..... Lightweight, Portable and very powerful. Great throw in bigger rooms.


I know you normally only need to cover the dance floor area with most bands but this will easily cater for larger conference type rooms.... couple of bigger rooms recently at Edgbaston Cricket Ground and the large hall in the Institute for British Surgeons handled the band and speeches/presentations no problem. Set the system up in 15 mins ;o)


Dynacord V-Array



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I would put my vote forward for the L-Acoustics option.


A pair of 108Ps (or 112Ps if a bit more SPL and extension is needed) and a pair of SB15Ps is for my money, the best sounding small PA in existence. Unbelievably punchy for their size and sounds beautiful. I don't think the RCF TT series, QSC K-Series or powered Yamaha things really compare, the French boxes are in a different league entirely.


If your spending that amount of money on a PA however, don't just rely on forum advice (even though the advice above is all highly relevant). Go out and listen to as many systems as possible and choose the one that suits your budget and application.


Hope This Helps,


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