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accidental electromagnet?


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It is worth noting however that the heat issue is NOT due to any magnetic effects, it is simply down to poor cooling of the wire in the middle of the bundle.


The only time you can sometimes see odd magnetic effects is if you are running heavy singles and have a conductive shorted 'turn' closely coupled to them, in which case you have made an induction heater...


Regards, Dan.

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One of the most important things to consider when rigging...


When you have excess cable it is always best to attach it to the bar or lay it on the floor in a figure of eight configuration so that it doesn't tangle when you come to do the out, also it helps to keep the heat down as the current is flowing in both directions...


It can become a huge fire risk.

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When you have excess cable ALWAYS attach it to the bar or lay it on the floor in a figure of eight configuration so the flow of current cancels itself out and doesn't increase exponentially...

It can become a huge fire risk.


The flow of current cancels itself out? Please refer to post #9 above.

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The reason that cables are figure-of-eight-ed is to avoid putting twists in them as would happen if you coiled them normally. Not so important with TRS and the like but rather more important with multis.
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