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Jar of Spit


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Hi all,I am currently working as the designer on a new adaptation of The Emperors New Clothes. The director/writer has decided he wants one of the characters to play with a jar of spit then fling it over the audience (despite us telling him how the audience won't like it). I need to fill a jam jar with the spit like liquid, however it has to have a thicker consistency and be vegetarian friendly ( I am hoping it is simmilar to making snot)Any help would be great.ThanksCW
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Vegetarian friendly? I suspect I'd be more concerned of cleaning bill friendly - because if somebody threw simulated spit at me, and it landed on my clothes, I'd want them cleaned at no cost to me whatsoever. Any protestations that the material was safe wouldn't work with me - If the tickets warned "Please note that as a condition of purchasing your ticket, you give permission to have simulated body fluids thrown at you" I don't think I'd want to know!
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Explain to the director what "acting" is and how "pretending" is going to be considerably safer, easier and better than taking a literal approach.


Then shelve the stupid idea before one of the company get punched by an audience member who thinks you've just ruined their expensive new jacket and caused a biohazard

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...If the tickets warned "Please note that as a condition of purchasing your ticket, you give permission to have simulated body fluids thrown at you"


Worth noting that such a condition would be unenforceable if printed on the ticket as it'd be deemed that you are trying to impose conditions after the sale had taken place.

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Unpalatable as it sounds, if you really have to pull this stunt then the only thing you should throw into the audience is a small amount of water. Contaminants like thickeners pose a clothing damage risk (not to mention damaging expensive cameras and phones).


You could use a goopey liquid made from J-lube polymer to make the water stringy and slimey, then do a switch for the plain water before the audience "participation". I'd also suggest using a lightweight plastic container in case the while thing gets inadvertently launched into the audience.

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Does it have to be liquid?


In our panto this year we had to throw some "custard" into the audience at one point. The custard was actually 2 squares of yellow fabric sewn together with something inside to give a bit of weight.


Judging by the front couple of rows reaction it was pretty effective, there were a couple of screams until they realised what it actually was. As someone said above, it required a bit of acting to make people think it was actually a liquid inside the bowl.


Don't know if this will work in your production tho?

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Dissolving a large amount of sugar into a jar of boiling water will leave you with a fairly spit-esque substance (Obviously, let it cool before chucking it at people). Won't be damaging to clothing/will easily wash out, probably even tastes alright...the risk of course, is that it won't be very clear...and could potentially look like something else.
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Sugar? Have you seen the mess it makes? It goes sticky, attracts dirt and though it may come of people with quick application of water, sugar can go brown if heated, and on the seats, the sugar can set rock hard. When you coke a stage, it's the sugar that make the surface tacky - you want to put that on people clothes?
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You will be destroyed by an angry audience member if you put anything but water in there! it just takes one person to take it the wrong way... though to be honest im pretty chilled in shows, but if someone did throw something on me that was anything other than water I probably wouldnt be too happy! id say just use water!
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