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Jar of Spit


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Sugar? Have you seen the mess it makes? It goes sticky, attracts dirt and though it may come of people with quick application of water, sugar can go brown if heated, and on the seats, the sugar can set rock hard. When you coke a stage, it's the sugar that make the surface tacky - you want to put that on people clothes?


Yeah, I should probably think before I speak...

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Another vote for Akh Ting. Chucking anything remotely splashy over an audience is a risk and suggesting you are gobbing on them a leap too far. Water is only OK as a fine spray.


Presumably it is for a younger audience but God help the person who threw a jar of "spit" over one of my kids and I am almost human.

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A mate of mine recently staged The Drowning Girls, and the audience were reminded that if they wanted to stay dry, don't get too near the front.


At calls the girls gave their long hair a good shake, and if you were front and centre, you got wet!

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