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seems an interesting piece of kit.


By my rough calculations to get ins and outs you're looking at

mic input module 1700 USD

output module x 2 1800 USD

line input module 800USD


so about 4400 USD and about 20 dollars worth of cable to connect them.


If you need more than 16 inputs then this adds another chunk making the price around 7000 USD for a 32 in, 16 out system.


Not really on my shopping list yet. More annoyed at having to buy two new drivers for cabinets my last client has destroyed - and I didn't find out until far too late to bill him!

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For us the CAT5 system might well work out the same cost as a nice shinny new 64 way multicore system, with the flexibility of being capable of splitting down into several seperate systems for smaller gigs. Plus if the cable is damaged there is a cheap option to replace it.
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For us the CAT5 system might well work out the same cost as a nice shinny new 64 way multicore system, with the flexibility of being capable of splitting down into several seperate systems for smaller gigs. Plus if the cable is damaged there is a cheap option to replace it.


The problem with the digital multi is you end up with the mic preamps on stage, not at the foh desk where you really want them to be.


To be fair to Aviom this drawback isn't exclusive to just their products.


To me, analogue mic preamps are the weak point in digital desks. Not just the budget ones either, Yamaha DM2000, PM5D (basic model), both have analogue mic gain knobs.


Given that you can recall absolutely everything else on these desks at the touch of a button, I find it bizarre that possibly the most critical setting you would want to accurately recall is not recallable!


It is starting to be a feature now but it seems to be long overdue. PM5D more expensive model has it and a quick look at the Yamaha website reveals an AD8HR, an 8 channel preamp that is remote controllable.


I'm not dismissing the concept of digital multis, be it fibre or cat5, I just think there is a bit more development needed before they seamlessly replace conventional ones. As long as the industry is making high spec analogue mixers with well like preamps on board, digital multis are always going to have an uphill struggle. Obviously, in a world of Innovason/Digidesign/PMxD's they make lots of sense. In the world of grotty venues and tight schedules something you can fix with a soldering iron or well aimed set of pliers is going to remain popular for a while yet.


Another long rambling answer!

All the best,


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I'm not dismissing the concept of digital multis, be it fibre or cat5, I just think there is a bit more development needed before they seamlessly replace conventional ones.


I agree. We looked at the Aviom option because it looks good on paper, and it's ability to be split into smaller systems is a nice touch. Unfortunately, upon hearing the system, it just does not have the dynamic range to cut it against an old-fashioned copper multi.

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